-Preference 2, Sabretooths-

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👉 https://www.tumblr.com/jedhenry/140225062395/10000-years-ago-it-was-way-cooler-to-be-a-cat 👈

POV: The FarCry Primal characters react to you taking a sabretooth tiger.


Takkar would be, confused to say the least when you walked through the Wenja village, a sabretooth tiger following in your footsteps. Although he was the Beat Master, he had not been successful in his previous attempt to tame one. You earned a lot of respect, and your cuddly friend could often be found in the arms of Takkar, the two of them playing or cuddling in the fields. The two of them soon became thickest of thieves, you couldn't find one without the other. Takkar was surprised when he realized how strong and helpful the animal you tamed was, and how insanely energetic it was. He put the beast's energy to good use by using it to keep the village children entertained.


Dalso would be terrified. The first thing he did when he saw you walk over to your shared camp with a sabretooth tiger behind you was grab his spear, threatening to stab the beast if it moved any closer. Once you calmed both Dalso and the animal down, he wouldn't kill it, but most definitely wouldn't warm up to it. The closest he'd go is letting the tiger sit across his camp while he sharpened his knife and skinned animals, throwing the spare parts across the camp for the tiger. He would shoo the animal away every time it tried to get close to him, but you were thankful that he still allowed you to keep it. You were worried that they wouldn't bond at all until you walked into the village and saw Dalso sitting next to the tiger, the sabretooth asleep while Dalso sharpened a kalpa blade.


Sayla would be amazed at your ability to calm such an angry beast. She would ask to know everything about the tiger, she would be all over it too. A couple of times, you found her asleep with the tiger, or making medicine while it lays on her lap. She told you that the animal was surprisingly calming to have around, and would help quiet the screams of the deceased Wenja people, which helped her contain her focus and energy on making Wenja a more inhabitable, and safe place for her people.


Tensay would be confused, like anyone should be when their partner walks into their village with a sabretooth tiger following in their wake. He would appear rather calm, but was very cautious around the beast. When he warmed up to the animal, he tried to use it to conjure up visions, which you didn't mind. A neither did the tiger, surprisingly. The animal would be confused though, when Tesnay tried to sneak up on him, trying to take some of his fur to use in another vision conjuring. He seemed to back off when your tiger showed its teeth, however.


Karoosh would think you were crazy for bringing home something so potentially dangerous. He would chastise you for being reckless and destructive, but would try to warm up to the animal. He would train it to hunt, and when he got more comfortable with the tiger, the two would go on hunting expeditions. You smiled as Karoosh showed offa giant bear that he hunted with the tiger to the children of the Wenja Village, the sabretooth almost looked proud, standing beside him.


Roshani would wonder what he did to deserve a lover so stupid. He would lecture you about the insane amount of stupidity that goes behind taking a sabretooth tiger out of its natural habitat and making it a pet. Although he would lecture you about your decision constantly, he actually found himself becoming more fond of the beast as time passes. He found that the animal was incredibly strong, so he used it to help him tow heavy things across Oros.

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