🔎1️⃣ : the Demogorgon

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Liza watched as Nancy left the gym, the brunette wiping away tears as she pushed through the doors into the hallway. Liza frowned as no one else seemed to notice the girl leaving, not even Johnathan who she had seen basically flirting with her the entire time they were here. Looking over to her brother, she signalled that she would be back. The blonde ran after Nancy, looking around the hallway until she found her sitting against the wall.

"Hey, Wheeler." Liza said as she sat cross legged in front of Nancy. "You good?'

"No, I'm clearly not." Nancy scoffed, unsure why Liza was even asking. It wasn't like the girls were friends, the only times they ever talked was when the blonde was at the Wheeler house for Dustin and the Party. Even then it was nothing more than greeting each other. "Why do you even care?"

"Because you just found out that your best friend died?" Liza furrowed her brows in confusion. "Not to mention you've gone through some shit yourself this past week."

"That's an understatement." Nancy said while wiping at her eyes again.

"Look, I get we aren't close but if you need someone to talk to that isn't Johnathan and we both know you can't talk to douch. . . I mean Harrington about this, then you can talk to me." Liza told the girl before shrugging to make it seem like it didn't matter either way. Nancy just stared at her with an unreadable expression. Liza sighed and moved to stand up.

"It's my fault Barb is dead." Nancy blurted out. Liza stopped and looked at Nancy with furrowed brows but sat down and gestured for her to continue. "I pressured her into going to that stupid party, I let those assholes pressure her into shotgunning that beer that cut her, I left her alone while I went and slept with Steve, I didn't listen to her. She's dead because I wanted to seem cool to my boyfriend's shitty friends." Nancy took in a deep breath after she had finished her rant.

"It's not your fault, Nancy. There was no way you could have known that would happen." Liza began, reaching out to place a hand on the girl's leg. "But I know how you feel, I blame myself for Will. I was supposed to meet them at your place and ride home with them. Instead I fell asleep and now look where we are. My point is, there is no way to know if we are the cause. If we had been there for them, sure, we could have prevented it. Or we could have been taken or killed with them."

Nancy went to respond but the doors to the gym opened once again and Johnathan came to join them on the floor. He sat close to Nancy, glancing at the girl with soft eyes. Liza looked at the boy with raised brows, a silent call out about how he was acting but he just shrugged in response. They both looked at Nancy again, she was staring at the floor between her and Liza while chewing on her lip.

"We have to go back to the station." Nancy finally spoke, turning her head to look at Johnathan. "Your mom and Hopper are walking in there like bait. That thing is still there. We can't just sit and let it get them. We can't."

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