Final Fat-ansy!: Lulu Landmass!

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Well, it was now for the Final girl of the group who was the Gothic, Leather Bondage wearing, but super cute woman Named Lulu who is pretty Much A Woman Who Plays a Doll and makes it Look Badass. Finding her wasn't hard to do, so you quickly found her on an Island not so Far away.

Y/n: (Blushing) H-Hey Lulu...

Lulu: Hm? Eep! Y-Y/n-San? I... Um... Hello, Y/n-San. You Look Very Fine. I did not expect you to show up here... Especially not now of all times.

Y/n: (Blushing) Y-Yeah Lulu, You too

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Y/n: (Blushing) Y-Yeah Lulu, You too. How has life been treating you?

Lulu: Well... I got Pregnant. I've been feeding for two.

Y/n: Really!? Who's the father!?

Lulu: Well Actually... I'm not Pregnant, But I'm still feeding for two.

Y/n: T-That Makes literally no sense...

Lulu: Okay I'm feeding for Three.

Y/n: What?

Lulu: Four.

Y/n: Huh?

Lulu: Five!

Y/n: That makes the least sense so far!

Lulu: Look I will keep raising the numbers! Don't you dare test me!

Y/n: Um... R-Right...

Lulu: Still, I am feeding for A Lot, and I need to eat A Lot.

Y/n: W-Well, you seem to be taking A Lot of food.

Lulu: Yes, and?

Y/n: And... H-How can I put it... Nicley...

Lulu: Uh-Huh.

Y/n: You've Been Diverting all of the Food from Nearby Trade routes...

Lulu: What? Impossible! I'm not that Big! I Just can't be!

Y/n: Um... The Truth is...

Lulu: Yes? Tell me. Look It Takes an Island to Feed A Woman.

Y/n: Um... The Saying is it takes A Village to raise A Child.

Lulu: Potato-POtAtO.

Y/n: The Island?

Lulu: Yes.

Y/n: You've Literally Outgrown it.

Lulu: Okay, Now You're Just Making Things Up! There is no Possible way that's True! No Possible way!

Lulu: Okay, Now You're Just Making Things Up! There is no Possible way that's True! No Possible way!

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Y/n: Have you ever Looked Around Lulu?

Lulu: Actually, I can't Move my Neck.

Y/n: I suppose that's my Point Proven.

Lulu: I don't think so.

Y/n: (Sigh) Okay... Say whatever you want Lulu...

Lulu: Oh Y/n?

Y/n: Yes?

Lulu: (Blushing) I-I can't even find any of my Little stuffed animals... And...

Y/n: And?

Lulu: (Blushing) C-Can you Please by my Cuddle Buddy...?

Y/n: (Blushing) W-WHA!?

Lulu: (Blushing) Please...?

Y/n: (Blushing) O-Okay what do I need to do?

Lulu: Just Get in Between my Boobs and It should do the Trick. It's Like a Hug in A Way since you are Hugged by my Ample chest, and You would be somewhat Like a Stuffed Toy.

Y/n: (Blushing) S-Sure Thing...

Lulu: Good.

Lulu then smiled as she then kissed you on the cheek and you Blushed as you then walked over to her Ample Bosom.

Lulu: (Thoughts) Hmm... We Would make A Really Cute Baby~ Especially with Y/n's and Mine's Cuteness combined~ EEEEE! It would be so Cute!

The Shy and the Fat! (Shy Male Reader X BBW Harem)Where stories live. Discover now