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[ This part takes place in elementary school]  Enjoy 😊

Yeosang showed up to school on time as per usual. Everyone just got back from summer break which meant having to get used to the same schedule 5 days a week for the next 10 months again.

The lesson was about to start but still no sign of the boy Yeosang was longing to see. He huffed as the teacher got the class to quiet down so that she could start talking. Of course she asked how everybody's summer went. Yeosang heard what he expected to hear though. Some students saying they went to the beach or summer camp or another country.

When it was Yeosang's turn to speak he didn't have the same exciting expression that all the other students had explaining what they did over the summer. After all the farthest he had been from his house all summer was a carnival but that trip had to be cut short of course. For "family reasons". Most things had been cut short or rushed because of "family reasons" but Yeosang knew that wasn't always the case. He was a very quiet but observant child which shocked many people considering how young he was. Especially since most children his age were very oblivious to the world around them, only caring about what they wanted.

When Yeosang opened his mouth to speak the classroom door opened and all attention went to who was standing at the door. Yeosang couldn't help but grow a smile when he saw who it was. None other then his best friend Choi Jongho.

"Sorry for being late Mrs. Lee." Jongho bowed to his teacher as a greeting. "Welcome back Jongho. Go ahead and take a seat."

Of course Jongho made his way over to the seat next to Yeosang. Yeosang resumed where he left off telling the class that he went to a carnival. Since Yeosang was the last to talk about his summer before Jongho's arrival the teacher let Jongho share with the class what he did over the summer and turns out he did quite a lot.

When Jongho was finished he and Yeosang exchanged hellos and Jongho hugged Yeosang. Yeosang wasn't a big fan of affection but his friend was an exception. Once they broke the hug Jongho got all smiley at what he was about to say.

"Guess what hyung?" the boy starting to get all jumpy and excited. "What Jongho?" "I have a surprise for you but I'll show you at lunch." "Awww why can't you show me now" Yeosang pouted. "You'll see, just be patient."

Yeosang was curious as to why he had to wait till lunch but he was excited nonetheless for his surprise.

It was finally lunch which meant Yeosang and Jongho finally got to see Wooyoung.

"I still can't believe you guys drink that milk. I would never dare put my mouth on a carton even if I was dying and milk was the only cure." Wooyoung had never really been a fan of school milk or any milk for that matter. Yeosang and Jongho always made fun of him, telling him that he won't be as tall and strong as them when they get older because of this habit.

Yeosang and Jongho just rolled their eyes at Wooyoung and all of them started digging in on their food. Wooyoung always ate like he had starved for weeks so the constant loud lip smacking and crumb falling was a normal thing. Just when Wooyoung had started choking on a piece of his sandwich Yeosang remembered what Jongho had told him earlier. About the surprise.

"So what was the big surprise you were telling me about earlier?" "Seriously? I'm choking and all you care about is some surprise?" Wooyoung said through coughs. Jongho reached in his bag and Wooyoung was blatantly ignored. Jongho finally found what he was looking for and slid it across the table to Yeosang. It looks so beautiful Yeosang thought.

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 | Jongsang Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora