9) Midnight

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Yeosang was home. He didn't walk with Jongho because he had practice after school. March madness was coming up so the basketball team would be spending lots of days practicing after school.

Everyone noticed that Yeosang was acting a bit off. Of course Yeosang told everyone he was fine which was true. He just couldn't take his mind away from the fact that Jongho had kissed him.

It was nighttime and Yeosang was scrolling on his phone. It was another sleepless night for him. His house was quiet so his mother was probably asleep already. He kept rolling around in his bed, trying to find a new comfortable position every time he moved.

He was surprised to get a text from someone when it was so late.

jongho 🐻
U up?

Why was Jongho texting him so late? Was it a mistake?
You do realize who ur texting right?
jongho 🐻
This is Yeo hyung right???

Yeosang smiled at the nickname.
Why are you texting me so late?
jongho 🐻
Do you think you can come outside for a few?
jongho 🐻
I just wanna talk to you
Is that alright?

It was so random but whatever it was could be better than just laying down while watching YouTube.
jongho 🐻
Ok I'm already outside

He was already outside? Yeosang got up out of his bed to go and look out the window. He saw Jongho standing in front of his house. He opened his window and tried whisper shouting. "Jongho!" He had to repeat himself a few times until he got Jongho's attention. When Jongho looked at him he waved with a smile on his face.

"What the hell are you doing?!" "Just come down here and let me talk to you!" Jongho whisper shouted right back. Yeosang rolled his eyes and threw on a hoodie and some socks, not bothering to put on a coat despite the cold.

It's probably gonna be quick anyway Yeosang thought. He grabbed his keys and went downstairs to put on his shoes. He tried tiptoeing to the back door and closing the door slowly so that it wouldn't make too much noise. He walked out to the front of his house and saw Jongho.

He walked up to him and pushed his shoulder. "What the fuck are you doing here? Do you realize how late it is right now?" "I just wanted to make sure you're okay." "What?" Yeosang was completely fine so why was Jongho here to check up on him?

"You were acting a bit weird after I kissed you. Did I make you uncomfortable or something?" Oh. "No Jongho you didn't make me uncomfortable. I was just shocked. I honestly thought you would forget about Saturday or be weirded out and never talk to me again."

"I literally winked at you before I left. Why would you think I'd be weirded out?" "I don't know. Maybe you could've pretended I was someone else or maybe you were just horny at the moment and couldn't help it." Jongho furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"My thoughts are always all over the place so in my mind any scenario is possible." Yeosang noticed Jongho's expression. Jongho still stared at Yeosang with the same face. "Moral of the story is I don't mind if you kiss me alright?" Jongho answered him with a kiss, cupping his face.

This time Yeosang's eyes fluttered closed as he melted into the kiss. He was starting to get cold but that changed as he felt himself heating up. Yeosang felt himself moving backwards until his back was against the house. Jongho moved one of his hands to Yeosang's waist and slid his tongue on Yeosang's lips.

Yeosang opened his mouth a bit as an invitation. Then it turned into a tongue war. Jongho used the hand that was cupping Yeosang's face to tug lightly on his beautiful strands of hair. Yeosang moaned at the sensation.

They both took that as a sign to stop. Their lips separated but their faces were still so close to each other. Jongho put his forehead against Yeosang's. They both closed their eyes smiling. Yeosang cupped Jongho's face and caressed his cheeks. When Yeosang dropped his hands Jongho kissed his forehead, nose and lips.

"Want me to walk you to school in the morning?" "You don't have to." "Why not? I am your boyfriend after all." Boyfriend? They're boyfriends now? Yeosang blushed. "Fine you can walk me to school." Yeosang grinned, wrapping his arms around Jongho's neck, pulling him back in for another kiss.

It was more slow and it was starting to get a bit sensual. Jongho bit Yeosang's bottom lip causing him to whimper. Honestly Yeosang felt like he could get used to kissing Jongho if it felt this good. They both obviously ignored the fact that they were still outside making out like the horny teenagers they were.

Yeosang felt his erection growing so he decided to pull away first. Thank goodness his hoodie was oversized. Yeosang put his lips by Jongho's ear. "I'll see you in the morning babe." Yeosang smirked as he moved from where he was caged in and started to walk back through where he came from.

The way Yeosang said that did things to Jongho. "Maybe I can spend the night." Jongho speed walked towards Yeosang. "Go home Jongho." Yeosang laughed at Jongho's eagerness. Yeosang continued to walk away. Jongho sighed loud enough for Yeosang to hear and pouted.

"Awww will my little bear miss me too much when we part ways?" Yeosang cooed, teasing Jongho. "That's not funny." Yeosang rolled his eyes. "I'll walk you home. Come on." Yeosang held his hand out and Jongho took it happily like a giddy puppy.

They both walked around the two corners and made it. They quickly pecked each other and said goodbye. "Text me when you get inside." "Ok." Yeosang walked off. They literally lived close to each other why would he want him to text him when he got home?

This reminded him about all those times Wooyoung would tell him the same thing and then he remembered that one night when everyone was at Mingi's and he had to leave with Jongho. If Jongho hadn't walked with him that night would they still be as close as they are now? He didn't know.

He walked home and went through the back. He successfully managed not to wake up his mom. As soon as he took off his shoes he went upstairs and took off his hoodie. He got comfortable in his bed and texted Jongho that he was home. Thanks to his eventful night he was able to sleep good.

A little too good.

Just started school so now updates might get a bit slower but maybe not who knows. I'm thinking abt putting smut in this but idk since it'll be my first time writing it. What do y'all think? 👀

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