8) Explosion

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It was Monday and Yeosang asked Wooyoung to walk him to school. He already texted Wooyoung about what happened on Saturday.

"I think I should just stay home." Yeosang stopped walking and was about to turn around and head home. "Oh stop it. You'll be fine." Wooyoung pulled him and didn't let go until the next block. The closer they got to the school the more Yeosang wanted to just run in another direction. He'd go anywhere Jongho wasn't gonna be.

"Sangie can you walk more faster? It feels like a race between a tortoise and a hare." "Well the tortoise ended up winning so you can go ahead. I'll catch up to you." "I know what you're trying to do and it's not working. Let's go." This time Wooyoung grabbed Yeosang's hand and didn't let go until they got to the school.

It didn't take them long to get there. "We're here, you can let go of me now." "I'm not letting you run off Yeosang." Wooyoung spoke nonchalantly. Wooyoung literally walked Yeosang all the way to their class and pushed him inside when they got to the door.

Jongho was already in the classroom and Yeosang wanted the floor to swallow him whole when he made eye contact with the boy. He walked over to his seat and sat down. "Hey hyung." "Hi." Yeosang could feel himself getting a little fidgety.

He kept his hands busy by drawing little doodles on his paper until class started. It actually helped calm his nerves a bit and made him realize that he isn't that bad at drawing cute little cats. What he didn't know was that Jongho was watching him the whole time.

"You know it's rude to stare." Yeosang finally caught Jongho through his peripheral. "I was looking at your drawing, not you." "Yea right." Yeosang looked at Jongho but the boy's eyes didn't meet his. He was looking at the drawings. "Oh." Yeosang returned to what he was doing but heard Jongho mock him.

He stepped on his foot. Jongho was about to yell but the teacher was going to start the lesson. Yeosang tried not to laugh at Jongho's struggling expression but he got humbled when Jongho pinched his thigh.


They were in science class. They were doing the classic old volcano experiment. It was four people assigned to each table. Yeosang, Jongho, Wooyoung and Yeonjun sat together.

"Alright Wooyoung, I'm trusting you enough not to put too much vinegar in the baking soda ok?" Yeonjun had did his part by dropping the food coloring of his choice and now it was Wooyoung's turn. Yeosang said that Wooyoung shouldn't have participated because he'll make things messy but of course everyone insisted.

He already made a mess when he took control of how much baking soda Jongho poured into the volcano. He said that Jongho "didn't pour enough". Now there were white powder spots on the table and definitely way too much baking soda inside the volcano.

The teacher said to measure how much of baking soda and vinegar goes into the volcano but of course Wooyoung didn't do that. He thought that he didn't need the cup because "his measurements would be right anyway". He said he'd spent enough years in school to differentiate things like a cup and a quarter of a cup without tools.

Wooyoung poured some vinegar into the baking soda. He was pouring for a little while too long. "Wooyoung that's enou-" Before Yeosang could finish the volcano exploded. Yeonjun was smart enough to already have his butt off of his seat before Wooyoung even poured anything into the volcano. He knew Wooyoung so even though he insisted on letting him try, he still knew that something could go wrong.

Unfortunately Jongho who wasn't paying attention and Yeosang who wasn't quick were unlucky. Wooyoung had hid under the table before the volcano erupted. He wouldn't wanna ruin San's comfortable sweatshirt. The consequence of getting it dirty could be painful but pleasurable. Wooyoung wanted to be able to walk the next day, thank you very much.

Yeosang was furious and Jongho laughed at Yeosang's expression because he knew that Yeosang was about to go crazy. "Jung Wooyoung... I'm gonna kill you!" Yeosang went under the table to get Wooyoung but he got from under the table. Yeosang chased after Wooyoung but just before he got to him the teacher spoke.

"You two quit it! Yeosang and Jongho, go clean yourselves off!" Yeosang walked away from Wooyoung and walked towards where Jongho was walking. Before he walked out the door he turned around sliding his thumb across his throat while looking at Wooyoung, mouthing 'I'm going to kill you'. Wooyoung just laughed.

He left the classroom and caught up to Jongho. They walked to the bathroom. Once they got inside Yeosang looked in the mirror and Jongho got some paper towels. "That fucker. Now my hairs all dirty." "That's all you care about? You have stuff all over your clothes and got some on your face too." "Well it's not like you look any better."

Yeosang took some paper towels from Jongho and wiped off his face and clothes. "Aren't you gonna wipe your hair too?" "I need to put some water on it first." Yeosang turned on the faucet and wet his hands. He wiped off all the stuff in his hair then took another tissue and tried drying his hair a bit. He turned off the faucet.

"Does my hair look weird now?" "No. The chances of someone noticing the wet strands are very low." Yeosang didn't believe him but they had to get back to class. He huffed and turned around. Jongho managed to get in front of him and when he did Yeosang giggled. "Jongho wait." "What?" "You got some in your hair too. How did you not feel anything?" "I don't know." Jongho shrugged.

"Come. Let me help you." Yeosang pulled Jongho back to face the mirror. He turned the faucet back on. "Just take some paper and wipe it off." "Fine." Yeosang turned the faucet off and took some more paper towels to wipe it off. He threw it away and was about to walk off when Jongho pulled him by his hand.

When Yeosang was facing Jongho, he placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Yeosang's eyes widened and Jongho pulled away with a smile on his face. "You thought I forgot huh?" Jongho stopped holding Yeosang's hands and walked to the door. Yeosang's body froze. He looked at himself in the mirror, eyes still wide.

Jongho kissed me. Choi Jongho fucking ki- "You coming?" "Oh... y-yea." He quickly walked through the door and into the hallway with Jongho right beside him. They made it to the classroom when everyone was packing up. They walked over to their desk and started doing the same thing.

"What the fuck took you guys so long? I had to clean the mess all by myself." "What happened to Yeonjun?" "He was no help. Plus the teacher didn't make it any better. She said that the one who made the mess should clean it but we all took part in this. Plus Jongho spilled some powder a while ago." Wooyoung's rolled his eyes.

"I didn't spill it. You took control of my hand and made me spill it." "It was in your hand therefore you spilled it." "But you were the one controlling my hand. I think it's pretty obvious who's at fault here." "Yea and it's you." "No it's not." They continued going back and forth.

Honestly Yeosang couldn't pay attention to what was going on around him. He was still stuck on what happened in the bathroom. When the bell rung he got up and went straight to the lunchroom, not even aware that Jongho and Wooyoung were still going back and forth. Of course the two were confused when they found Yeosang's spot empty.

Yeosang went straight to the cafeteria and got his food. He sat down in his usual spot, this time he was the first to sit at the table. Slowly everyone else started flooding the space. Yunho came with Seonghwa first. They all said hi to each other.

"You alright Yeo?" Yunho asked. "Yea I'm fine. Why do I look ok?" "I don't know. Maybe I'm just overthinking things." Yeosang hoped that was the case.

Ik that this chapter might be a bit short. I hate slow burns sometimes so here you go. Yeosang and Jongho finally kissed!

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