12) Stakeout

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Seonghwa and Hongjoong had finally told the group that they were dating even though it was one of the most obvious things in the world. Turns out they were gonna have a date on Saturday.

Seonghwa only told Yunho but Mingi saw the text and told San and then San told Wooyoung and then Wooyoung told Yeosang and Yeosang told Jongho. The whole group knew but they pretended not to know. That's where Wooyoung and Yunho's idea comes in.

Yunho was hanging out with Wooyoung after school since San and Mingi had basketball practice. They went to the ice cream parlor that everyone goes to. Yunho decided to bring back up the date.

"I wonder where Hongjoong hyung is taking Hwa hyung." "What if he brings him here?" "Nah I don't think he would do that." "Well what do you think he would do?" "Honestly I don't know. You got any ideas?" "Maybe an arcade or bowling." "Really? I never thought of Hongjoong hyung being the type to go bowling."

"Me too but I definitely see him wearing bowling shoes. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I saw those black and white ones once and it reminded me of Michael Jackson. We all know how Joongie hyung is with him." Wooyoung sipped on his milkshake while rolling his eyes.

Yunho laughed remembering the impression Hongjoong did of Michael Jackson. "Billie Jean is not my lover." Yunho mumbled. Wooyoung must've heard because he bursted out laughing along with Yunho. They laughed so hard that Yunho started crying and Wooyoung almost choked on his milkshake.

When they calmed down Yunho wiped his tears. "You know what would be funny?" "What?" "If we stalked their date." "Wait... that's actually not a bad idea." "Of course you don't think it's a bad idea." "Seriously though imagine it." "But what if we get caught or worse, we see them make out." Yunho made a disgusted face.

"Oh stop being dramatic. I know you've seen people do way more than make out, plus I know you probably think about making out with Mingi anyway." Yunho blushed. "See? You're probably thinking about making out with him as we speak." "No I'm not." Yunho stuffed his mouth with ice cream, knowing that it might help with the sudden heat that hit him.

"Do you think the others would wanna join us if we told them?" "Well you know San. He's nosy as fuck so he'll probably say yes. I don't know about anyone else though." "We'll just have to convince them. It's gonna be so hard to convince Yeosangie though." "If it doesn't work with you then I'll get him to do it."

They told everyone the day after. San and Mingi said yes immediately. Jongho thought they were joking but when he realized they weren't he agreed to go with them. Of course Yeosang was hesitant but they eventually got him to agree and so they had their plan all set.


Yunho was the last one to get picked up since he lived the farthest.

"You're gonna have to sit on someone's lap or walk Yuyu." Wooyoung told him. "Seriously?" Yunho looked annoyed. "Yea." "He can sit on my lap if he wants." "Welp looks like Mingi will be your seat for today." Wooyoung smirked. Yunho wanted to smack that smirk off of Wooyoung's face.

"But I don't wanna crush him. I'm literally taller than all of you." "Oh please, just get in!" Yunho walked around the car and Mingi already opened the door for him. Yunho got into the car and sat on Mingi's lap. He closed the door. "Ok. So I know that Joongie hyung is probably gonna pick up Seonghwa hyung because what kind of asshole doesn't pick up their date." "You're right." San drove off to Seonghwa's.

During the ride Mingi made his arm comfortable around Yunho's waist while watching something on his phone. Yunho was pretty tense most of the time until Mingi whispered something in his ear. "Relax Yunho, it's just me." He said it so tenderly that it actually eased Yunho a bit. He eventually leaned against Mingi to make himself comfortable.

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