7) Almost

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It was the first day back from break. Yeosang was happy for some odd reason -he was happy to see Jongho again but he won't admit it even to himself because he doesn't wanna seem desperate-.

Yeosang's break felt simple. He saw family, ate good, got some sleep, got some money and even bought some new clothes and jewelry. His mom always taught him to look out for discounts and sales so he did and got some pretty good deals.

He even got a 2 for 1 deal for these bracelets that he and Jongho could wear. A little gift for the younger. When he got home that day the matching bracelets reminded him of the thought Yeosang had months ago about Jongho.

That the Jongho he knew at the moment was the same Jongho from years ago. He didn't tell him yet and he knew that he didn't have to, so why did he feel like it was something he had to get done? That's when more thoughts came in. Thoughts like 'How would Jongho react?' and 'How would he bring it up?' He decided to dismiss the thoughts.


Yeosang got to school on time. He waited for Jongho yet he didn't come. He was probably late. He'll just wait till the next period he has with Jongho. He was just really excited to tell Jongho about what he got for the both of them.

The few periods after the first passed by but still no sign of Jongho. It was lunch now and everyone except Jongho and Mingi were there. Mingi always gave himself extra vacation time since his parents would have no clue about how long he's supposed to be away for. They rarely gave him their full attention in the first place. As long as he made them proud, they didn't care about what he did.

Everyone was talking about how their break went. Turns out Yunho dyed his hair. He had red streaks and the rest of his hair was black. He found it funny to use red since that is one of the colors that represent Christmas. He joked saying that he was his parents gift and even showed the picture and video he took of a bow on his head further proving his point. Everyone laughed at him just like his parents and siblings did in the video for doing such a thing.

Yunho's new hair reminded Yeosang that he needed to figure out what to do with his hair. His roots became more noticeable. He honestly felt like dying his roots back blonde so that he could stay blonde for a little while longer but he had been blonde since summer and it wouldn't hurt to change things up right?

Yeosang only thought wrong because he knew that blonde was his color. He knew he looked good in it and by the looks of many other people, they agreed with him. Plus he was too lazy to do it on his own. Don't get him wrong, he knew how to. He just didn't feel like it.

That's when he remembered that he had 4 people that could do it for him and for free. One of them being Yunho of course. Hongjoong, Seonghwa and if it took enough convincing, his mother. Maybe Wooyoung. He's not that good at dying hair but he claims that he got better at it. After all he always had an ego and you couldn't always believe what he said. Same goes for Mingi.

Yeosang was being awfully quiet. Everyone was talking when Yeosang felt someone kick his foot. "Awww. Do you miss your boyfriend?" Wooyoung asked as if Yeosang was a child. Yeosang just kicked him back. "I'll take that as a yes." Wooyoung giggled. Yeosang rolled his eyes. He still didn't say anything which just proved Wooyoung's point .

I mean it's not like he was lying though. He did miss Jongho. He expected to see him after all these weeks of thinking of him. Just like some if not any other person with a crush would do.


It was Saturday evening. Yeosang just came back home from Yunho's. Yunho helped him dye his hair and now his hair was midnight blue.

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