11) Good Woman Gone Bad

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It was one of those days for Yeosang. His mom yelled at him for being late and only made him more late by coming up with other things to yell at him about.

Yeosang was used to it by now so it didn't bother him as much as it used to. You'd think that his mother was always nice to him but she's not. She's blamed him for a lot of things. Told him harsh things. Done harsh things. She's always been hard on him. Ever since his father left.

And she'd always use the same excuse for being this way. She'd always say she didn't want Yeosang to end up like his father or that she was just doing it out of love. He believed that she did the things she did so that he wouldn't turn out to be like his father but he never believed that it was out of love. After all isn't that what all parents say?

He walked to school slowly, regretting ever coming in the first place. He took the longer way to school causing him to miss another period. Luckily he got to school 1 period before lunch. His headache wouldn't increase as much as it already has. He'd just put his head down until lunch.


Everyone noticed that Yeosang was acting a bit off today. Wooyoung already knew what was up when he saw Yeosang sit down with an emotionless expression on his face and play with his food, later claiming that he 'wasn't that hungry' and gave his food to whoever offered to take some. When Yeosang put his head down Wooyoung held his hand and caressed it.

Jongho noticed this behavior. When they all were getting ready to go to their next period Jongho offered to walk with Yeosang. Yeosang didn't think much of it so he let him. What he didn't expect was for Jongho to pull him into the bathroom just to ask. "Are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine." Yeosang lied. Jongho knew Yeosang better than that, knew that he was lying. "Are you sure? You seemed a bit down at lunch." This was the one time Yeosang wished Jongho wasn't an observant person. "I'm sure. Now stop worrying so much and let's get to class." Yeosang patted Jongho on the shoulder with a small grin and took his hand to leave the bathroom.

Jongho knew that Yeosang was hiding something but he decided to drop it. Jongho had made it his mission to make Yeosang happy if he was ever feeling down so Jongho asked him to hang out after school.


"Well aren't you an all rounder." Yeosang smirked at Jongho before taking another sip of his hot chocolate. Jongho had brought him back to Sumi's Spot and he didn't regret it. It was worth the smile he saw on Yeosang's face when they made it there.

"Now, I wouldn't say that." Jongho playfully rolled his eyes. "Oh come on. What you just did out there was amazing." "It was not. I was simply just helping those kids out." "Yea, simply helping those kids out, my ass." Yeosang exaggerated the "simply". If "simply helping those kids out" meant doing cool tricks with a soccer ball  just to kick it back to them then Jongho was right.

"Jongho, I literally still can't believe you drink a cold ass iced americano in the winter. It must be an addiction at this point." "Well I can't help myself. I'd never pass down an opportunity to have an americano." "You could've at least gotten it hot or without ice." "Nah I'm good." "Whatever." "That cannoli must be good." "Why do you say that?" "You got cream all over your mouth."

Jongho didn't know why he still got surprised when Yeosang made a mess after he ate. It was a daily occurrence in his life. Sometimes even his little sister ate better than him. "Want a taste?" Yeosang licked his lips seductively. Jongho spit a chocolate chip towards Yeosang and it landed on his shirt.

"Jongho why the hell would you do that? This is my only clean school shirt." Yeosang ate the chocolate chip and hit Jongho's hand. Jongho laughed as he held his hand, pretending that it hurt. "I'm serious Jongho. Now I'll have to wait till this weekend to wash this." Yeosang huffed as he tried to get rid of the stain by licking his finger and rubbing it.

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