13) Busted

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I'm going to kill all of you tomorrow

That was the text everyone except Hongjoong received the day after the date.

Looks like Seonghwa found out. When everyone got the text they all laughed it off but deep down they knew they should fear for their lives. They knew Seonghwa wouldn't beat them up. Well at least not seriously. But what would he do? Could he do? They had all of that day to figure it out before they saw him at school.


The next day went by surprisingly smooth. They expected Seonghwa to snap at them at lunch or something but he didn't. They all left school expecting nothing until...

All of you.
Come my house.

Most of them were either on their way home or on their way to another persons house. They all stopped in their tracks and made their way to Seonghwa's, not even second guessing whether they should go or not.

It felt like getting in trouble by your mother. The sudden text with periods at the end of each sentence and perfect grammar. Plus the "Now."That would automatically give away that you were in trouble and needed to fear for your life.

Yeosang and Jongho came first. Seonghwa wasn't surprised to see that they came first. After all Yeosang was a goody two shoes and Jongho was always around him. They made themselves comfortable on the couch.

You could hear nothing but the tv playing. None of them daring to say a word to each other. An awkward tension between them all. The tension continued on until Yunho and Mingi came in.

"Hi hyung." Mingi said, all smiles and happiness. Seonghwa just nodded his way and brought his attention back to the tv. Yunho sat next to Yeosang and Mingi sat on the floor in front of him. "Has hyung been silent this whole time?" Yunho whispered. Yeosang just nodded.

They all sat there waiting for Wooyoung and San to show up. Yunho used this time to play with Mingi's hair and eventually his face. He pulled at his ears and pinched or poked his cheeks, bored out of his mind.

Seonghwa went to the kitchen to make himself some ramen, feeling impatient. They all took that moment to breathe. "Why is Seonghwa acting so weird?" Mingi asked. "Seriously?" Jongho looked at him as if it was obvious.

"What?" Mingi was completely oblivious. Jongho sighed heavily and sat back. Mingi grabbed Yunho's hands to stop him from poking his cheeks. "Your nails are sharp." "I know. I've been meaning to cut them but I always forget to." Yunho went back to playing with Mingi's hair.

Seonghwa poked his head into the living room. "You guys know where those lovebirds are?" "They were the last to leave school out of all of us so they're probably on their way." That's when they heard the door and loud talking. "Speak of the devil." Wooyoung and San made their way to the other couch.

"Hi Hwa hyung!" Wooyoung waved at him enthusiastically. Seonghwa waved back with less energy and went back into the kitchen. "This is just like the volleyball incident." Yunho rolled his eyes. "I know right? He's so extra. I'm gonna go see what he's doing." Wooyoung went to the kitchen.

About a minute later he came back out pouting. He threw himself onto the couch next to San. "What happened?" "He's such an asshole. He said he wouldn't let me have some ramyun." "That's it?" "Yes! I even told him that I could make it myself but he still said no." Wooyoung laid his head on San's shoulder.

They continued watching the tv until Seonghwa came back with a bowl of ramyun. He sat on the floor and ate. He noticed everyone's eyes on him. He slowly looked up. "What?" "Can I have some hyung? Pretty please?" Wooyoung thought that his aegyo would work.

"No." Seonghwa said back with aegyo and had a shit eating grin as he took the second last bite. They all could admit that it was a bit childish but somewhat funny especially since they knew Seonghwa was speaking out of sarcasm.

Seonghwa took his last bite and put his dish away. He came back with a rolled up magazine and turned off the tv that he stood right in front of. "I just want to start by saying as someone who is considered the mother of this group, I am very disappointed in all of you."

He dramatically wiped a fake tear. "Especially you Yunho. I thought I could trust you with my secrets. But I guess not." He took in a deep breath. "Now." They knew what was coming. He would explode in three... two...

"What the hell were you guys thinking?! Huh?! What if Hongjoong found out about this?! Your asses would be fucking grass, that's what!" Seonghwa's breathing got a bit more heavier. He was right though. If Hongjoong found out about this he'd be ten times worse.

"Who's the dummy that started this bullshit?!" Everyone pointed at Wooyoung except for himself. He looked betrayed. "What?! I was-" "Why am I even surprised? Of course you came up with some dumb, childish shit like this." Seonghwa folded his arms.

"Why did you point at Yunho? Did you think he could save you or something?" "He literally came up with the fucking idea!" Seonghwa hit him in the head with the magazine. "Is that true Yunho?" Yunho obviously didn't want to tell the truth but then again it could set you free.

"Yes." Yunho looked down at his lap. "And to think I could trust you. How could you lie to me?" Seonghwa hit him in the head this time. "I didn't expect much from dumb and dumber plus Wooyoung but you three?! Unbelievable." He was talking about Yunho, Yeosang and Jongho.

"Yeosang, be honest, did they bribe you with chicken?" As ridiculous as it sounded, it was true. "Yes." Seonghwa pinched the bridge of his nose. He tried to recollect himself. After all he didn't have time for this. None of them did.

"All of you to the door." They all got up and Seonghwa walked them to the door. Each person got smacked in the back of their head on the way out. Yup, Seonghwa was just like any typical mom. They all walked their ways home.

"That was so over the top." Jongho sighed. "I know. Seonghwa hyung can be like that sometimes." Yeosang swung his and Jongho's arm as they were holding hands. "What was Yunho hyung talking about earlier? He said something about a volleyball incident."

"Oh that? We just made hyung look like a fool in front of Hongjoong. We came with them to a different park and we played volleyball but kept teasing him about his crush on Hongjoong. His last straw was when it was just him and Hongjoong playing the last round and Yunho yelled something. Hyung turned to see what he wanted but ended up getting hit in the head by the ball." They both giggled, imagining it in their heads.

"Baby can we go to yours and take a nap?" "Fine but don't try to make me fall back asleep when it's time for you to go." "I won't." Later that evening he did exactly what he was told not to do.

This wasn't proofread bc ik I take long with stuff like this. Ik that this part is a bit random and stupid but it's all I can come up with for now. <3

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