3) Project

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It had been a month into the school year and so far things weren't too bad. Jongho had gotten more closer to the group. He also made the basketball team. They all spent more time with each other whether it be after school or on the weekends. They went to parks, restaurants and even an ice cream parlor together. They were overall just having fun for the start of the year and Yeosang would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it.

If the group wasn't going out somewhere after school Yeosang and Jongho would walk home together. Wooyoung would come with them sometimes since he didn't live too far from them. Yeosang and Jongho would make their walks home fun. They would push each other on purpose, race each other and even play rock paper scissors. One time they even went to the convenience store near their houses to buy some snacks and juice since they didn't feel like going home just yet.

Surprisingly Jongho had quite a few periods with Yeosang. They were in one of those periods right now. Yeosang was dozing off as usual while Jongho was listening to what the teacher was saying. When the teacher was done talking Jongho shook Yeosang's arm to wake him up but it was never that easy. Jongho pushed Yeosang's left wrist so that the older wasn't leaning his head on his hand anymore.

Yeosang's head dropped but then he sprung it back up. He squinted his eyes, confusion written all over his tired face. He rubbed his eyes and then slowly blinked, looking at Jongho. "Hyung, Mr. Im said that we can pick our partners for this project. Wanna be partners?" Yeosang only nodded, still trying to gain enough consciousness to speak.


Jongho and Yeosang said bye to Wooyoung and started walking home.

"Wanna start working on the project today?" "Sure." Yeosang was technically skipping instead of walking. Jongho couldn't help but smile as he watched Yeosang skip a bit ahead of him. "What's got you all jumpy?" "I don't know." "How about we go get some snacks first?" "Ok." They walked to the store. Jongho got some tteokbokki, bungeoppang and banana milk. Yeosang got some triangle kimbap, mango flavored melona and strawberry milk.

They continued walking home. "Wanna play rock paper scissors to see which house we're going to?" "We might as well go to mine. I always end up losing anyway." Yeosang rolled his eyes as he remembered such moments. "Fair enough." They continued walking until they reached Yeosang's house.

Yeosang took out his keys and unlocked the door. He opened it and to his surprise it was silent. His mom must be working late tonight. Jongho followed Yeosang inside and they both took their shoes off. Yeosang lead Jongho to his room, dropped his book bag and flopped onto his bed facing the ceiling.

"What is this project about again?" "We have to find paintings that have a deep meaning or backstory behind it and explain it." "How many paintings?" "Mr. Im said that 10 should be fine." "Wait what class is this?" "Art, why?" "I thought Mr. Im taught history." "No that's Mr. Kim." "Oh."

Yeosang finally sat up and made his way to his little desk. He opened his laptop and then spun around in his chair to face Jongho. "What do you wanna watch?" "What happened to doing the project?" "We can at least eat first. Plus I'd much rather eat while watching something than doing some project." "In that case I'll watch anything." "Ok let's watch Saiki." Yeosang clicked onto the show and was about to open his kimbap when Jongho said something.

"Wait I need to heat this up. Where's your kitchen?" "Walk straight and just look to your right. You should pass by it." Jongho nodded and then made his way to the kitchen. Yeosang took the time that he had by himself to kick his feet and hide his hands in his face. He couldn't believe that Jongho was in his house.

Jongho came back quicker than expected catching Yeosang do whatever he was doing. "Um you ok?" "Yes, what happened though?" "I don't see your kitchen." "Seriously?" "I mean yea, you said walk straight and look to my right but I didn't see it." "Are you sure?" "Yea."

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