5) Embarrassing

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It was the day of their presentation.

Yeosang was never fond of speaking in front of a group of people. Whether it be someone he was close to or not. He just didn't like it. So as soon as he walked through the art room door he was a nervous wreck. He of course sat next to Jongho.

Yeosang's leg was bouncing and he kept playing with his fingers. He even started biting his lip. Jongho noticed. He knew what this meant because he goes through it himself. Anxiety.

He wanted to help calm Yeosang's nerves so he rested his hand on Yeosang's thigh. Yeosang looked at where Jongho rested his hand and started blushing. Jongho loved seeing Yeosang all flustered. "You ok?" "Y-yea I'm fine." Yeosang looked out the window.

He probably looked like an extremely nervous wreck right now. And out of all people, Jongho had to see him like this? All fidgety and what not. The day couldn't get any worse. Or so he thought.

Thankfully they weren't the first to present which gave Yeosang some time to hopefully calm down -he didn't- and practice what he was gonna say in his head. When Yeosang heard that him Jongho were supposed to go his stomach felt weird and he felt a bit sweaty.

His normal side effects of having to speak in front of an audience. Even after all these years it still felt the same. He just hoped that he wouldn't stutter like he usually does.

Of course the universe did him a favor and made him stutter and even made him get his words mixed up once. He tried his best to just think about getting this over with but in times like these every minute felt unbearably long.

When the teacher was done giving them feedback they went to go sit down and Yeosang let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looked down, too embarrassed to look anywhere else. Once again, Jongho noticed.

"You did good hyung, trust me." Jongho rubbed Yeosang's arm. For some reason that moment made Yeosang want to breakdown right then and there. He felt tears prickling in his eyes threatening to fall but he didn't let that happen. He played it off by rubbing his eyes and yawning, pretending to be tired. "Thanks." Yeosang said quietly.

Yeosang put his head down. He knew that it wasn't that serious and every time he did this he still got a good grade on it. He knew that the art teacher liked him and understood him in a way so he wouldn't be too harsh. There was time for another group to go and then the period was over.

Yeosang felt Jongho's hand back on his thigh. At least that wasn't something to cry about. Yeosang felt a bit more warm even though it was such a small touch. He smiled to himself, blushing.

The period was over and everyone was packing their things. Jongho waited for Yeosang. Apparently he fell asleep. He falls asleep fast Jongho thought. When Yeosang finally stood up Jongho rested his arm on Yeosang's shoulders. "Can I go to yours after school?" "Don't tell me we have another project to do." Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Nope just wanna hang with you." "Oh... well sure."

Did Yeosang hear this right? Jongho just wants to hang out... WITH HIM? Maybe he's just imagining things. He'll see if Jongho actually meant it when their walking home later.


Yeosang was not dreaming. Jongho actually meant what he said. When they got inside they were greeted by Yeosang's mom.

"Hey sweetheart. Whose this little friend of yours?" "This is Jongho eomma." "Hi ma'am." "Oh is he the one your always talking about? Nice to meet you." Yeosang blushed at that question. "Nice to meet you too." Yeosang's mom offered a hug and of course Jongho took it. She was never the type to greet someone through a handshake unless she was trying to be professional or didn't like you.

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 | Jongsang Where stories live. Discover now