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The moment I saw the dreamies, I felt so happy that I could die due to the excitement but after I even thought of running towards them, they all were already headed to my direction. I got more excited but stayed reserved. They were now in front of me and what I didn't notice was that I was continuously smiling so much that they must have thought that I was some kind of a crazy person. Mark immediately shook his hands with me, I hesitated for two seconds because my mind wasn't at peace but after those two seconds I somehow calmed myself down and shook my hands with his. I shook my hand with all of them and then Jaemin asked me "Hey, Y/N what brings you to the SM building? Following us or something?" Renjun swiftly hit Jaemin with his elbow on his right hand and quickly covered up for him by saying "Sorry for his stupidity Y/N. He can be an ass sometimes." Jaemin covered his right hand with his left one and said in pain "I wasn't serious you asshole!" I laughed at their stupidity and said "No it's okay, actually I am an interior designer and I'll be doing all the renovation for SM." Jisung gave a surprised look on his face and immediately asked me with amazement "Wahhhh! Really!?" I replied with a smile and nodded calmly. Heachan who was carefully listening asked me "Have you had dinner Y/N?" I answered with a confused look on my face "No? Why do you ask?" Heachan immediately said "We all are going to have dinner, why don't you come with us? You are not with someone, right?" I was shocked by the invitation but I stayed calm and looked at the others for their consent as well. They all immediately looked at me and Mark said swiftly with a polite smile on his face "Yeah Y/N, you should come." Then I noticed that the others had a pleading look on their faces that I should come with them and Jisung said with excitement and impatience which was consuming him, "PLEASE Y/N PLEASE COME WITH US!!!!" and then Chenle, Jaemin and Renjun also insisted that I should go with them and then Jeno said with his beautiful eye smile "We have space in our car for you to fit. You do not have to worry about anything and we are good drivers." I smiled brightly and said excitedly "OKIEE!!" 

Jisung and Chenle both started to ask me a lot of questions about my work like two curious babies while we walked towards the car and then Renjun ordered them "Yah!! Stop bothering her you both." I smiled and comforted Renjun "It's okay. I like it when people take interest in my work." Jaemin said with a cheeky smile "You are too polite Y/N. They are too bothersome." I laughed and the two boys frowned like little babies and we all started laughing. When we were sitting in the car they all insisted that I should sit in the front seat and should not feel uncomfortable I told them that it was fine but they were all pure gentlemen. Jeno was driving, Mark, Renjun and Heachan sat in the middle seat and Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung in the back seat. It was nice the two maknaes were continuously asking me all sort of things and the others were irritated and were scolding them time and again but they weren't  going to listen and I was enjoying the whole ride, it wasn't uncomfortable for me at all. Then we reached a nice area which was covered with greenery and the Han river on the other side. It was their guest house. 

The moment we reached at the guest house, all the boys immediately went to freshen up one by one as they were tired from the dance practices. When they all freshen up, we all sat down on the dining table and Mark asked me politely while eating, "So Y/N, you have your own company?" I replied with a small smile "Yes, I have my own company, 'THE LEE DESIGN' if you've heard of it?" They all looked at me with a surprised expression and then Jaemin said "Damn! You have your own company at such a young age and the company is this popular!? Wahhh!! You are amazing Y/N!" I smiled shyly and said "I always had a dream of having my own company since the starting and I wanted to be an interior designer so yeah just followed my dreams and now here I am doing the renovations for you all." I chuckled at the end. They all chuckled at the last part and Jeno said flashing his eye smile "We are grateful to have you." I smiled back. 

We finished the dinner while chatting for a while and we all came back to the living room. I insisted on doing the dishes but Chenle and Jisung continuously kept on saying that I was one of the greatest designers in the history so I shouldn't ruin my hands by doing the dishes. They all insisted me to stay at the guest house as it was 11:30 pm currently but I didn't wanted to be too bothersome, they were already too kind for inviting me to dine with them. Jeno said that he would drive me back to the hotel, I insisted him that I would take the taxi but he wouldn't budge from his decision. I bid my farewell to the dreamies but Chenle and Jisung were extremely upset that I was leaving so I gave them a big hug and because I gave them a big hug Heachan also wanted one and when I hugged him, he hugged me so tight that I had to catch my breath time and again. I also gave the precious hug to Mark, Renjun and Jaemin and then sat in the car besides Jeno like a passenger princess. They all stood outside and and kept waving their hands at me until I was out of their sight. 

Jeno started a conversation by saying "They can literally be the cutest babies in the entire world at any time." I chuckled and replied in a cute voice "They are too cute to handle." He chuand replied "You too Y/N." I was flushed and I turned into a red panda again. He smiled brightly and then he said "So tell me more about yourself." I started with "I was born in the Jeju Islands and completed my schooling and college there. My hobby is singing, listening to music, drawing and hanging around with people I like." Then I swiftly said "Your turn!" then he chuckled and said "Damn, you sing?! You are extremely talented aren't you?" I replied cheekily "Not really, it's just that I was born talented." He laughed and said "You are cheerful." I was shocked because nobody had ever told me that I was a cheerful person except for Dae. People found me very serious though I wasn't serious at all in real life. I said after a second of thought "I said your turn!" He chuckled again and started with "I was born Incheon, completed my schooling there and my hobby is dancing, singing, rapping, driving and hanging around with people I like." I looked at him and said with a cute smile "We have something in common, though I already knew most of the things about you. I am a great fan of yours, in fact you know what? You are my bias since the starting." He smiled cutely and said "Thank you ma'am!" I nodded my head swiftly and said "While talking to you it feel's like I am talking to my best friend Dae. He is just like you when he talks except for that he is a playboy." I  gave a disgusted look at the end. Then Jeno asked me immediately "So do you like him?" I was shocked at the sudden question and immediately said with a shocked disgusting look on my face "DAE??!!! Eeeuuu no never. He is nice and handsome but no I would never ever date Dae. He isn't my type either so no." Jeno laughed at my replied and asked another question that left me in my feels for two minutes at least "Have you ever dated?" The moment I heard that question all the memories filled my brain and I immediately went into a comma or something for two whole minutes. Jeno noticed and called my name politely "Y/N, are you okay? I am sorry if I asked you something personal." I swiftly with polite words said "No it's okay, I just don't like talking about it." He then hummed a response and said "It's okay there are somethings that we take time in getting over and you can take your time in telling those it's completely fine." I looked at him and saw him looking in the front while smiling with those beautiful eyes. I smiled immediately and said "Thank you so much Jeno." He chuckled and said "You are most welcome, you pretty lady." I smiled shyly and focused outside and after two minutes of comfortable silence he said that we had reached. I hugged him and said "Thank you to all of you for today. See you tomorrow." He smiled and bid me farewell and I saw him leave and smiled while he left....

Author's POV,

Y/N is happy to find a friend like Jeno and on the other side Jeno is happy to find a friend like Y/N. They both hope for the best to happen.

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