Part 16

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Imlie felt her head is about to explode.   Her visions were still blur . She felt a bandage on her head.


Where is she now?? It's not her familiar surroundings!! It's huge master bedroom!! Moreover she is wearing a men's clothes. What happened last night?
Slowly she remembered everything.

She started panicking immediately.

She heard the door was opening .she immediately laid back on bed.

- so! How are you feeling imlie?? A heavy known voice rang .

Imlie looked at the man.

Imlie: Mr. Chauhan?!

Shikhar: call me Shikhar.

Imlie: how did I ended up here?

Shikhar: you were chased by someone  !! You ended up falling in front of my car!! I took you here. I tried to contact to the adress and numbers you gave us as emergency but i couldn't reach them. I cannot get through your phone to contact others . They're password locked.

Imlie suddenly realised something: who changed my clothes??

Shikhar: my maid. I don't have a female in my home so I had to give you my t shirt and track pant. Your dress was fully covered with blood. You can't wear it anymore. I called the doctor. He did initial treatments but suggested a city scan if there any inner injury .

Imlie: I can't thank you enough Shikhar. If you it were not you That man could've killed me.

Shikhar: i don't know if I'm overstepping but i suggest you to call the cops.

Imlie: i want to go home first. I need to change my clothes.

Shikhar: sure . I'll drop you . Keep this  clothes. I'll give you time to freshen up.

Imlie came down after freshen up. It's a big mansion almost like Aryan's one.

Shikhar was waiting in casuals for him.

Imlie felt dizzy . Shikhar holds her immediately.

Shikhar: if you're not feeling ok you can stay for a while.

Imlie: I've to go back .thanks for your help but i can't stay anymore.

Sahil was talking to the inspector.

Inspector: we are trying to track her location. We already contacted all the hospitals and morgues. There is no accident case . If she is kidnapped we have to wait for ransom call.

Aryan: we cannot wait something to happen!! We are already late !!

Sahil: calm down Aryan. We need to keep our cool if we want to find her.

Aryan: it's fucking your fault !! I told you!!!

He marched out without saying anything. Sahil followed him outside.

Sahil: Aryan i didn't knew if we hide this from her this thing can happen!!

Aryan: we didn't fucking hide things. We ended up avoiding her!!

Sahil: i tried to keep her out of this!! I was scared . She will get hurt by viraj!! I took Aashya as bet. But i didn't knew she will play a game. It's our fault!! We were so much engrossed with keeping her safe we forgot about her insecurities!

Aryan: viraj is not the factor . He was just a pawn to that dark leader.  By centuries they're against us!! They don't want to follow the rules set by us. But they never tried to harm aby guardian or they didn't try to face us directly. This one is holding powers. More than us!! This bastard is claiming my women as his!!! We have to find this guy but not by avoiding imlie!!! I warned you!! You told me you'll handle everything!!

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