Arrival part 2

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Liu's pov:

I didn't react to Jeff and E.J talking about me, but I felt my anxiety increase. The only reason I wasn't panicking was because of Sully. 'If you need me to take control just let me know. I can pass off as you.' I fought back a smile. 'Really?' Sully made an offended gasp. 'I'm good at impersonating you for your information.' 'You sound like you got drunk off your ass, then got high off your ass and finally got into helium.' Sully tried to defend himself but just sputtered, getting his words mixed up. I was fighting back laughter. I let an amused smirk escape.

Sully and I amused ourselves by trying to get the other laughing. Sully never really had to worry about concealing laughter or emotions in general, so he was doing badly. I was used to it so I did better, but I knew I'd end up laughing as soon as we were alone. 'Comon you know you need a laugh. It's healthy damn it!' 'We sure?' 'No, but still!' I covered my mouth with my scarf, hiding it as an adjustment. Trying to cover the smile that was without a doubt there.

Slender's pov:

Jeff and E.J were left to amuse each other. I walked besides Liu thinking over what happened. Liu and Sully were definitely goofing off, at least based off of Liu's smile and slight amused in his eyes. That thing by the bushes however. The animals stay to one side of the forest and that was way out of there. We would have smelled him if it was Rake. I didn't feel any intruders such as Zalgo or his minions. So what could it be? I kept quiet not wanting to disturb my children.

I noticed the mansion was going to comming up soon. 'We're almost there.' I warned Liu and Sully. I saw a slight nod come from him. Once we got there I held open the door for everyone. Jeff and E.J came in first. Meanwhile I sent everyone but the three besides me a message telling them to come to the living room. Liu came in, I put my hand on his shoulder to show he was with with. And so he didn't get lost. Liu tensed slightly but didn't pull away. He understood why but it didn't make him anymore comfortable.

Everyone else gathered around us in the living room. Staring at Liu, who ignored them but kept his head up. "Children, this is one of my outer proxies. There is a threat to his area and safety. So while this blows over he will stay here. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Liu's pov:

I took a deep breath but starting. "My name is Homicidal Liu." I said my title, ignored my last name. Immediately I saw who connected the dots. A smaller blond hair boy glanced at me and then at Jeff. A girl who I can only assume is Jane Arknsaw glared at me and then Jeff. Everyone else seemed thankfully oblivious but obviously curious. "Masky, why don't you show Liu to his room." A male with a white mask and an orange jacket stepped forward and motioned me to follow. "You got anything else?" He glanced at my bag. "Nope this is everything." I responded, tugging my bag closer to me a little.

Masky just nodded, clearly uninterested, which I wasn't complaining about. I tried to memorize the place from what I saw. 'So there's the front door and down the hallway the living room. In the living room there's three staircases, use the closest to the fromt door. Head up the staircase till the third floor and it's the fifth door on the right.' I went over. 'That's a lot to remember and it isn't even the whole house.' I fought back another smile to avoid being werid. 'Yeah we're screwed.' Sully laughed nervously. Masky leaned against the door. "So you need help finding here?" "First staircase or the third, depending on where you come from. Third floor, fifth door on the right. Correct?" I double checked.

Masky nodded. "Correct." He said with a bit of surprise in his voice. I nodded. I felt Masky look at me for a second. "I'll leave you to get settled in." He walked away with another word, closing the door behind him. I turned around and looked at the room. A bed by the window with a table beside it. A dresser to hold clothes and a closet. It seemed so empty and werid. Slender definitely tried to make it better for me. A few books where on the table and the covers on the bed were a forest green.

Stress of the situation comming back I put my bag on the post and sat down. 'It seems so empty.' Bring my knees to my chest and resting my arms and head on them. 'You alright?' You could tell Sully was concerned and just as nervous. "It feels empty, I guess I got use to us sharing a room." I mummered. 'I got used to it too... We'll be alright though.' I smiled slightly. 'I know, just an adjustment.' Sully laughed. 'You said the same thing when you met me and found out you got stabbed!' I let out a small laugh with him.

Jeff's pov:

BEN and E.J were fairly quick to drag me away. Hence why I'm sitting on the bed in E.J's room with the two crowded infront of me. "Jeff?" BEN started. His voice was lined with worry. "I know I know, you guys thought I'd be jumping off the walls." I wrapped my arms around me. E.J moved to sit besides me, wrapping an arm over my shoulder. "Have you talked to him yet?" BEN followed E.J, understanding this wasn't going to be the happy lighthearted talk we were hoping for. I felt him lean against my shoulder, offering comfort.

"No, I didn't talk to him. Well.... I did try to.... but I screwed that up." I didn't look at either of them. "Did he try talking to you?" BEN asked, glitching slightly. "No, he just mostly ignores me." E.J nodded. "It makes sense, this is a huge change for both of you. He probably needs to adjust like you do." BEN nodded in agreement. I took a deep breath and nodded. "But that isn't the only thing that's bothering you." BEN pointed out.

"If I say anything, I'm gonna end up talking forever." I say standing up. "Go ahead." E.J and BEN make themselves comfortable. "He's just so different. He's so closed off, but I can tell something's wrong. He constantly zones out which he never has done. Apparently Slender has to fight him to eat and from what I've seen he doesn't rest much." I paused to take a breath. E.J stood up and rubbed my shoulder. He nodded encouraging me to continue. I could tell though he had something to say.

"I..... I was always terrified that one day Liu was going to cut me out. And..... that happened,  he did. I hate it, I hate myself for what I did. It's the only thing I would change, I wouldn't hurt him. And he has a reason, I know he does. But it hurts nonetheless." I said wiping the tears out of my eyes. "Jeff," E.j started. "I understand how much of a surprise this is for you. You thought Liu was dead for seven years, and him still being here is a surprise. But the thing is that trauma can change people, especially if they handle it alone like Liu most likely has. You'll see things from the past, but things will be different. I'm sorry to say this, but if you want him back. You need to put in a lot of effort."

"I know."

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