Ch. 2 Lucian

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Picture of Lucain ^

{In advance I should apologize, since I wrote this when I was younger it might not make sense, and I will rewrite it once its completed :) enjoy}

"Kyra! Kyra!" My math teacher for 2nd period, Mrs. Blake, yells at me for the hundredth time it seems. I sigh and look away from the window towards her.

"Yes ma'am?" I really don't like this b!tch, she's always making me go up to the board when I don't want to.

She glares at me and points a black dry erase marker at my face. I frown at her, she's just begging me for a beating.

"Go up to the board and show everyone how to do the lesson, since you know so much to not pay any attention in my class and daydream," she grins, and shoves the marker in my hand when I refused to take it the first time.

I glare at her but get up. I can't very well smack this h0e though I want to. What use would getting suspended now bring me? So I go up to the board and see that, ah yes, we are doing some sh!t that I've no clue how to solve. F#cking fantastic.

"We are all waiting Miss Thorn!" she yells at me.

The whole class is silent, no one likes this h0e but they can't do anything. This whole class is full of pansies and nerds that don't ever stand up for anything that is right.

I roll my eyes and blindly start the math equation that I saw on the guys desk next to mine before I got up. I briefly wonder why I'm taking so long to write this but don't really care.

Once I'm done, I put the cap on the marker and turn around. Everyone, including Mrs. Blake, are all shocked with their mouths hanging open and wide eyes. Confused and a little scared, I turn around to actually look at what I did.

My own eyes widen and my mouth drops to the floor.

What the absolute F#CK?!

On the board I didn't write a math equation, no instead there is a giant image of the stereotypical devil with what looks a lot like me in his hands, and he's doing a very inappropriate action with one hand up the dress I'm wearing. I'm smiling right up at him and I look completely different, I look like I want to be there, and I'm enjoying what he's doing to me.

I quickly search for an eraser and clean everything off the board. I can't believe I drew that, I didn't even have any consciousness while doing this. Completely in zombie mode, I couldn't even see what I was doing. Now I face going to the principals office and getting suspended for the last month of my life.

I admit defeat and turn around. Ready to face my punishment but what I see completely shocks me.

All the class and even Mrs. Blake are all collapsed on the floor or on their desks. My heart races and my breathing become erratic. Before I can scream for help or run out a voice speaks right behind me.

"Don't worry their not dead, just knocked out, I needed to speak with you," this mans voice is deep and sounds like velvet. I shiver as a feeling of lust comes over me hearing this unknown voice.

Slowly turning around, I look at who spoke. I just roll my eyes, I can't keep up with all this supernatural bullsh!t.

Which is why I'm not yelling while looking at the board and the image of the devil that I had supposedly erased. Instead now his body is moving with an invisible wind and the little me who was in his hands is nowhere to be found.

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