Ch. 3 Bahamas Part I

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Picture of what the bikini looks like, just to give you an image.

"I need a bikini that will drive men crazy," I mutter to myself as I browse through this department stores bathing suit section.

Everything I've come across so far, though, has been very tacky and not sexy in the least. How difficult is it to find a bikini that will drive men wild?

Pushing through all the ugly bikinis, I come across a section that's labeled "Sexy Bitch" and I arch an eyebrow at the title of these bikinis. Might as well take a look, though, there's nothing else around this store.

Every item in this bikini section is...revealing. I mean only 2 small triangles for your breasts and a frigging napkin for your lady part. No covering for your ass, nope. Butt checks galore wearing one of these.

I shake my head but I mean this is quite sexy. That's what I had wanted, right? So, sighing, I put my pride to the side and try to find a semi decent bikini.

As if someone is guiding me, my eyes go to the very back of the room, and I find a red bikini with small white polka dots all around it. The bottom has two strings around the hips and some frilly fabric on the top. It's actually very cute and I rush to the dressing room to see how it fits.

"Fücking perfect," I whisper as I run my hands over my large breasts and down my toned stomach. I look incredible and am glad that I can show my body off.

If this doesn't work on Lucian's boys, I don't know what will. I want them to see how well life has been to me for a month and that I want to live longer then a month. Much longer.

My eyes widen when I think that maybe I can somehow convince them to make, no. Never mind.

After checking myself out a few more times, I decide that this is a winner and want to purchase this.

The check out lady raises a questioning eyebrow at my purchase but I just grin at her, waving my cash in front of her face. Dumb höe work for your money and don't piss me off.

She rings me up and I stand shocked that the bikini is on some sale and only costs $1. It's so beautiful, though, so I at least thought it would cost $25. This is a very good day for shopping

"Welcome to the Bahamas, I hope you enjoy your stay," says the flight attendant as we touch the ground.

Mother of all that is holy, my back is acting up more then usual. All those hours cramped in this little space of second class. You'd think Lucian would have gotten me first class.


I'm sure he has a big dïck. Well I would know right? My crotch was pressed against it. I laugh like a maniac at how amazing the devils dïck felt against me.

Everyone looks at me like I'm bat shit crazy and I calm down, slightly. I wait for everyone to board off the plane before I grab my things and get off too.

"Welcome welcome, I will be your tour guide for the next hour before you all leave to your Hotels. My name is Ben" said a very happy looking man.

He was wearing a pink Bermuda shirt and black shorts. I felt hot just seeing him wearing those dark shorts, it's almost 95 degrees!

I'm only wearing a tank top with a cotton bra and cotton short shorts with no panties. If it was up to me then I'd be wearing nothing.

"Oh come come everyone, don't feel bad! We've got ice cold water!" Ben hollered and everyone came rushing towards his tour bus.

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