Ch. 13 Back to Normal

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I open my eyes, staring up at my ceiling, and yawning. I stretch my arms, and legs out, sighing.

"I must've had a nightmare," I mumble, getting up, and taking a shower.

My body, and mind didn't feel good. Something was wrong with me, and all I could place it on was the fact that I might've had a nightmare.

I wash my body, humming while feeling the warm water run down my body, and it makes me relax. I really wish I didn't have school tomorrow, but there was no stopping that.

From outside I can hear my phone going off with a few texts, and I groan. I had forgotten that today we would have the back to school bonfire down at the beach, and all my friends I had made from work that were going to go to school with me were probably texting to remind me.

Scrubbing my hair, and singing while safely dancing in the shower was the best way to stop stress. Well at least for me it was the easier way, the harder way involved alcohol, and the company of a not-so-drunk gentleman.

I've tried that method, a couple times, and believe me with all the idiots running around here I much prefer the easier option. The harder option is a last resort that I only will choose when at my lowest point.

I hop out of the shower, and dry myself off, putting on a bathrobe. The party wouldn't be until much later in the night, and it was barely morning. I had plenty of free time to do whatever.

7 hours later

"Fück!" I exclaim when I finally see the time. It had gotten so late already.

I go back into my bathroom, and start the routine for putting on makeup. Fixing my hair up into a ponytail because I did not want to worry about it getting all messed up while outside.

I had decided on earlier that I was going to wear a dress for tonight, since it would be kind of humid, and plus it's down by the beach which is open 24/7 so might as well go swimming. Wearing a dress allows me to have easy access to just taking it off, and having my swimsuit on underneath.

Which reminds me, a few days ago I had received a suitcase with clothes, shoes, and hair products inside. Thinking that it must've been a mistake from the company of the airport that brought it to me, I was going to return it, but then I saw my name written on the inside of the bag. I had checked the sticker, and it had read The Bahamas.

Since when had I gone to the Bahamas? Looking further inside I had found a really cute, and very revealing bikini. It looked like something cheap, and slutty. I wasn't planning to wear it or even thinking about it until I saw that I had no swimsuits at all. I didn't want to go buying a new bikini so I just decided to try it on, and fell in love with it. Somehow I felt like this was fate, but then again I never really believed in that sort of thing.

My phone goes off again, and I groan. Picking it up, and answering it.



I scrunch my eyebrow in confusion, and look at the phone. Putting it back to my ear, and listening again.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

I hear some scuffling, and whispering.

"Hang up! She's going to get suspicious!"

"Shh!! She'll hear you!'

I blink a few times, and hang up. That was very bizarre, and makes me think someone got my number to do a prank on me. How rude.

Shrugging it off, I block the phone number that called me, and change into the skimpy bikini. It fit like a glove, and hugged my curves. I throw on a plain flower dress on top, and pair the whole thing with white flip flops.

Grabbing my bag on the way out, and heading to my car. It hadn't taken that much to finally get a car since I had money left over from mom, and dad's funeral, plus I was working now. Which would make it easier to pay for things.

Once I get close to the beach I can already see that there's a lot of people there, and the parking lot is packed. Should've gotten here earlier, I think. Parking next a Shipley donughts, and waiting there for my friend, Maggie.

Which reminds me, Angela hadn't been at the hospital when I had gone a few months ago to check in on her. I wonder if she finally got better, and moved back with her parents. I'd asked the hospital for her number or address, but when I had told them her name they had looked at me like I was crazy. There had never been an Angela on their records.

That was too crazy for me to handle, and so I pushed it to the back of my mind so I wouldn't think of it.

A tap on my window makes me look up at Maggie, and she smiles at me. I get out of the car, and hug her.

"How crazy is this?! I'm pretty sure everyone from school is here," she says with a laugh.

I shrug, and walk with her. Her other friends who were already there waving us over, and we head to them. They weren't exactly my ideal group, but they were friends of Maggie so I had to deal with them.

I sit down on one of the rocks, and grab a beer one of them passes to me. Might as well start drinking now, why not.

7 beers later, and I'm dancing with one of the guys from the group. He doesn't move how I'd like him to though so I move on, and away from him. He shouts for me to come back, but Maggie starts dancing with him for me.

"Thanks," I mouth to her, and she nods with a smile. Friends are awesome.

I thread my way through the crowd, and finally make my way to the water. No one is over here, and so I take off my dress, leaving it under a rock along with my shoes. I start going into the water, sighing at how good it feels, and instantly my head clears up.

I dive down deep in the water, and swim back up, arching my back while throwing my head back to get the hair out of my face.

That actually reminded me of Ariel, when she came out of the water after Ursula took away her voice. I laugh as I realize I'm comparing myself to a Disney character.

"Get out of the water!" Someone yells, and I look back in shock.

A figure is waving their arms over their head, trying to signal me to come back. I start panicking, thinking there's a shark or something in the water that's gonna kill me, but before I can start yelling I feel something grab my ankle.

It pulls me down, and I try fighting back against it. Swimming up to the surface of the water, and kicking my legs back at whatever has me.

Suddenly I feel a hand grab mine, and start pulling me up. There's a bright flash of gold light, and I scream.

The last thing I see before blacking out is blue eyes.

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