His Mate

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Malik's Pov

Axel has been pretty talkative not only because we have found our beautiful mate, but because he is started to get upset. Our little wolf fell asleep most likely due to this stress. We hate it especially axel he was getting more unsettled as voices grew louder and louder outside.

'That twink vampire and his stupid coven is going to wake our little one'

'Don't worry axel I'm almost done packing her stuff just a few more clothing and we can leave those vamps behind'

'She needs sleep she looked like she hasn't slept for awhile.'

I knew he was right and that worried me.

'She looks as if she hasn't eaten either human she looks so skinny'

I heard him whimper as he finished his sentence. I knew he was right yet again she did look like she didn't eat much which made me scowl. That vamp hasn't been feeding her right obviously, I scowl and growl softly at this thought.

'He may not be feeding her regular food'

'As in?'

'Like rabbit food what those humans call salad they should call it rabbit food.'

I thought for a moment on his words. At the moment I wanted to find out if she was eating more than that salad shit. Kal walked into quietly as I finish packing the last of her clothing, I look up to him holding a bag of food from the place we went earlier.

"Alpha isn't this the food from earlier it has not been touched. Did you want us to bring it."

"No, Take your Luna and put her in the car make sure she stays asleep you wake her your dead."

He nods picking her up softly as I have another pack member grab the luggage and start heading down the stairs as I grab the food heading outside pissed off as I try to keep calm making sure not to growl loud enough to wake the small angel in Kal's hands.

Kal gently sets her in the back seat, gently putting a fluffy blanket over her keeping her warm. As soon as the door shut all my pack members got quiet as I turn to the dumbass's still standing in her yard. Axel growls loudly as i through the bag of food in his face growling louder. My pack looking confused as i spoke lowly.

"You think you can make her do what you want. Make her feel as if she's to fat to eat proper food. Or wear pretty clothes. You placed your hands on her probably more then I know."

My pack started growling at the leeches. One thing about packs is never harm their alpha female and when you have. No one is safe especially not him.

"I did what was best she was getting to fat and gaining weight."

Right then the pack of shifters eyes widen as they finally processed everything and looked at who I guess was their alpha and he nodded slowly. As I speak up growling.

"My mate is so tiny and skinny that one wrong thing can break her you dick. She has marks on her body which I can guess are from sometime of bondage and from someone hitting her. She flinches to much to be normal. So please explain you damn fucking leech before I have my pack torcher your ass till your begging me to stop."

"She didn't listen so I punished her like she deserved and I didn't want her getting to fat."

Axel ripped out of my head taking control as he growls looking towards the car then back at that pathetic leech as he starts thinking about his next moves.

'I want to kill him but mate needs us, she needs food more blankets she's still cold, I can hear her stomach and her shivering we need to start to quart our mate so we may mate with her. Back in our nesting area.'

I sighed calming myself down, my pack waiting for my say as I think carefully. I agree I want to kill this bastard however our little wolf does need my attention right now. Sighing as I turn to my beta nodding towards the car, him nodding back.

'You right, however we can kill him later if he is more of a problem right now our focus is our mate your right'

He purrs at the thought of our mate in our bed well what he calls the nesting area for when she's pregnant with our small pups. I nod to my pack as I start heading to the car letting that fucking leech and that pixie girl scream at me. I get in lifting her head to lay it in my lap running my hand through her hair closing the door as I take my jacket off putting it on her for more warmth sighing as the cars start taking off heading to Canada.

"Alpha I am happy you found your mate if you need any help me and Kal will help you."

"Thank you Seth, However I won't need to much help besides when I'm handling something more dangerous."

He nods looking back out his window from the front seat taking Kal's hand smiling sweetly. Axel starts to lay on his pack huffing.

'She's pretty when she sleeps but I wish to cuddle her more and kiss her and kiss everywhere and mate her and mark her.'

'Calm down axel within do time for now we much get her pack on a good eating habit'

'Dumb leech I wish we killed him right now. But mate needed us I want to feed her the most amazing foods.'

I shake my head smiling.

'She sure will be the most spoiled mate alive with us being her mate.'

'You better be on the same page our mate deserves that she needs to have the most amazing things in life.'

'Don't worry I am on the same page axel she will taste the most amazing foods.'

'I want to see her in silk she would look lovely.'

'She will look amazing in anything axel you know that.'

'I just want her to like our nest....our den.....'

I sighed, that was one thing we were both worried about. We want our mate to love our place and our bedroom. She needs to be comfortable, and needs to feel like it is her place to. The car pulls to the border we give the officers our information as we cross back over my thoughts going a million seconds with multiple thoughts about if she will like our home. It is colder then Washington much more snow where we live. I will have to make sure she is warm and bundled up, no matter what she will be safer then the god damn ruler of any country.

Her Alpha and BetaWhere stories live. Discover now