Meeting The Beta

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Malik's Pov

I woke up snuggling my mate as I try to get up but my mate whines. 

"No Malikkkkkkk."

I chuckle shaking my head. I pull harder bringing her into my lap.

"Baby you got to get up."

She huffs sliding off me whining. I chuckle at her moving closer to her tickling her causing her to giggle. She looked so beautiful in the morning. I couldn't help but stare at her. Axel was in awe as her beautiful hair and body. Along with her small neck carrying my mark. I was happy she had our mark now. I hate surprises not that they were bad just made some things difficult. I pick her up throwing her over my shoulder as I move to the bathroom starting a nice bath for her. I set her in getting behind her when I get a mind link.

<You alpha guess who back>

I smirk at the voice in my head. My damn beta that I sent out to deal with the gang deal in toronto. I shake my head looking down at my mate as she smiles at me blowing bubbles in my face. I scent that image to my beta.

<Welcome back and got a new something>

<Your mate, the fuck happened when I was gone>

<You wanted to deal with the deal so your fault you messed up>

Vlad was like my brother. We grew up together and had gone through many things together. I made him my beta after a year. Me and him were close protecting each other. I smile as I wash my beautiful mates hair as she moans. One thing I was always good at was washing my mothers hair when she got sick and my dad couldn't do it. I was young but my mom made sure I knew how to scratch my mates head so it relaxes her as I wash her hair. I rinse her hair slowly as she leans her head on my chest. She hums as she turns around and kisses me. Izzy was a beautiful woman I was lucky to have her as my mate. However I had to hurry this up so my beta could meet her. I finish washing us as I dry us off putting warm clothes on my mate. She whines as she grabs a blanket wrapping it around her. I shake my head, it was getting colder meaning that my mate would be more cold inside. Meaning more blankets and hot cocoa for my beautiful goddess. She makes her way down the steps sneezing. I stopped and looked at her. Had she caught a cold. She smiles at me softly.

"I am fine Malik promise just a little runny nose."

I huff at her. Yeah a runny nose that can become more serious. I shake my head making our way to the living room. I seen him look up to Izzy and his movements stop as I hear axel speak.

'He is mated to our mate to?'


Vlad looks directly at me in scareness. I wasn't mad just shocked I guess. I wasn't to suprised though I mean we have shared everything so why would this be any different. The only thing that worried me was our mate. Once Vlad mated with her wouldn' Our wolves want to do it together.

'Yes which is why she has two holes Malik!'

'Shut up Axel, this is serious. She's a small women.'

'Yet is mated to both of us.'

I sigh, he did have a point but it didn't stop my worries, as I could see didn't stop vlad's either. He seen my mark hell he could smell our mating on us. It was just a big red sign, saying hey we had sex last night. Vlad smiled softly as Izzy looked up at me tilting her head.

"Did her just."

"Yeah....But that's ok I can share. Plus he was the one I was telling you about for awhile now."

She nods carefully. Vlad watched her carefully as I mouthed the word little to him. He knew exactly what that meant. His eyes widen for a second before going back to normal. He smiled softly at her when she hid in my side. I chuckle as I sit on the couch sitting her on my lap.

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