Little Princess

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Malik's Pov

Sometimes in life things don't go the way you want but you can mend it so it does. Nick was pissed off and he made it clear his crimes were getting more sloppy. I knew it was because I killed someone important to him and he knew I would just not who. I held my princess close to me humming as Vlad went to get her some more pudding cups. She was getting more hungry, she hasn't eaten much cause she hasn't been able to keep anything down. I was getting more worried cause she was getting sick and the doctors were trying to find out why. She just woke up a few days ago, and she wasn't getting better. Me and Vlad's wolves smelt a few things but we couldn't  pin point exactly what it was. It was really worrying me and Vlad to the point we would not let her out of our sights. I kissed her head as we watched t.v on her tablet I brought her the doctors said she should not have any stress right now til they figure out what is happening cause stress is making her worse which makes us think that she has a heart problem or cancer or worse......It was stressing me and Vlad out we didn't mean to stress but who wouldn't with someone like Bella. Our little wolf was hurting and there was nothing we could do about it. She was snuggle me scared. I felt it and me and Vlad couldn't do anything to help. I wanted to give her wolfbane but I didn't know how it would affect her with whatever is making her sick. She was starting to get more pale as time went on and we were scared she was going to have issues. Our wolves smelt it. I was not to sure on how we would take any news the doctor gave us cause we all knew that something was indeed wrong with our little wolf to the point her dad even came around yelling at a doctor caused it was taking a while to hear anything from them. Which we understand it does take awhile til they can have the results. Bella  yawns tired, when I said she was getting worse I meant she was getting more tired and felt more pain sometimes then other times she won't be hungry or she will be so cold that it made her have a few big blankets always wrapped around her. 

To be fair I was a little over protective over but it was my alpha male and Vlad knew it. As soon as we knew something was up with our little wolf it was like our wolves were taking over. I was happy she was feeling ok so she could keep some food down. But our happiness soon ended when her dad stood up when the doctor came in with a look of pain and looked at us with a upset face. Right then I knew it wasn't good. He looked to us again smiling softly at Bella.

"There is good news and bad news which would you like to hear first?"

Bella looks at me and Vlad and we nod at her and she whispers.

"The good news first please."

"Good news is it's not heart failure which was a worry for us. But we have concluded she has bronchial cancer...."

Everyone froze in the room. Of course there is treatment for cancers however there isn't just one cancer no there is multiple different types but you have to understand from what I know it was one of the worst cancers.....If she wasn't strong enough she would die, if she wasn't taken care of well enough she would die. That's why our wolves were more protective over her. She was getting worse and our wolves knew it. Axel was whimpering he wasn't the type to be upset like this but knowing that our little wolf was in a position that she can't protect herself against people meant that she would need more protection now. 

The doctor let us leave so Bella had some space and not stuck in the hospital bed but she had restrictions. She was in little space and now we understood why she was stuck in there. She was scared, she knew she was stick and it sent her into a head space. Me and Vlad didn't mind this happened but the reason why it happened....made it a little upsetting. I wish I could just take away her pain. She wouldn't be able to move around much or eat certain things. Me and Vlad gave each other the same look we would keep her safe especially away from anyone that may be sick. Her dad was so upset he took of to his women Sue because he didn't want Bella to see him cry and we understood. We were in the same position and it made us feel bad. Out of everyone Bella was one person that did not deserve this. 

When we got home we put some wood in the cabin house we rented while we were down here and laid her in the bed letting her sleep. Our little princess what hurting and dying....It wasn't something that we were prepared for we thought she might have gotten a cold or something but this? Why......We knew the moon goddess did things for reason maybe she wanted to do this to Bella so Bella could get something better with time. We grew up knowing that good things come with a price like a trade. I knew the moon goddess would not kill our mate...not like this anyway. Me and Vlad layed snuggling into our little princess and within time we started falling asleep letting a few tears fall from our eyes. I wanted to break down it wasn't fair to this angel to be sick with this disease it wasn't fair.....she never did anything bad to someone else. I just wished to the moon goddess that she was doing this for a reason......

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