Out of school

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I'm in maths class and Mr. Jones

is asking why I didn't come to school yesterday."I was sick"I tell him.

"Really?You simply got sick exactly on the day of a very importat test?",he said sounding doubtful.

"Jeremy ,you know you shouldn't be behaving like this"


"You need these scores if you consider school important enough.You're being really careless".Was it my fault I was too tired and could not come?I didn't even know there was a test.

I mentioned it to Yuca during practical class."Maybe you can take sometime to rest properly"."The school probably won't be very happy and the agency will not be much different".

I kept thinking about it lots.I talked to Jack.He's a senior,so he might know more.But he told me he left school long ago.It's not like I'm all that interested in. school.I've been going to school and simply continue.Mum likes it when I score good marks,I get more time with Crystal.And I get to rest a little so...But it feels like it'd be better if I focus more on my practice.I might be less tired even.

So I eventually chosed to drop out of school.Kevin said he regretted not completing his studies.But maybe if I try hard enough,I can make up for it.I'll be even better.

I discussed it with Mr Fleming.He was glad that I was"showing more enthusiasm".Celan did nit say much,he had dropped out early too.Mum was disappointed to hear it.But I explained that the agency still conducts some classes.

After it was certain,I had to tell my friends.They were shocked.None of them agreed with me.That's why I didn't tell them earlier.But I think I need to get sometime to rest.Lawrence trying to stop me but it really was settled .Yuca asked if I reallt made my decision.When I told her yes,she said nothing more.

I really didn't want to tell Crystal.She 'd be upset.We don't get to spend much time as it is,witg classes and her projects.I feel bad.But I have to handle it.

When I tell her the news after school,I was expecting her to break out in sobs and complain and list reasons why I should not.I told her it was my last day of school and she only she'd be sad to not see me around.She did not cry or sob,she simply asked a lot of questions.It felt a little weird.She seems a little not like before.

Is it too short?

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