Secret Hideout???

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Elsa POV

I hug my knees as Jack drives dangerously fast through the thick woods on a small trail. The rain had started up again. The soft pattering of each drop landing on the windows filled the silence in the car. We came to a slow stop just in front of a large lake. I smiled in wonder.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Well, back in the day, Hicc-um...I would come out here in this secret hideout in the woods that would overlook the lake. It's an abandoned shack or something" He replied. We both stepped out of the car and sprinted to a wooden house on the lake's edge.

I entered the small house and gasped in amazement. There were a few chairs next to a fire in one corner and a tiny kitchen in the other corner.

"This is amazing, Jack." I whispered.

"I know right!" He said. We both looked at each other and smiled kiddish grins. I looked away, blushing madly. I don't know why he does this to me. I wish the butterflies in my stomach would go away.

"Wait! I'll be right back." Jack said suddenly and then dashed out the front door. I took this oppurtunity to explore the small hallway by the kitchen.

Two doors were facing each other in this small hallway. One was a outdated tile bathroom. In the other was a large bedroom with a bed. Small toys were scattered all over the floor. These must have been here for years. I smiled at this. I kind of forgot that Jack was once a kid.

" found this." I heard Jack say behind me. I jumped a little as came up to stand next to me. I looked to see a picnic basket in his hand.

"Looks like you planned this." I say, still surprised.

"Well, you sounded stressed over the phone...I thought you needed something to cheer you up." He said bashfully. I smiled as we walked back out the front of the house. After Jack got a fire started, we began to chow down on the food he brought.

"'s studying for finals going for you?" Jack asks.

"Pretty good. Everything looks pretty easy, but I am still a little stressed about." I reply.

"I should have known. You always have your nose in books during class. You're so smart." He says with a genuine smile.

"Oh stop..." I say.

"You know, if you want me to talk to Hiccup, I can. I know he still hates me, but it still bothers me that he treated you like that." Jack says with a more serious tone.

"No! That is the last thing I want. I just wish this problem would go away..." I said as I look down at the dusty floor.

"Elsa, I don't like seeing you like this. I like happy Elsa." Jack says as he grabs my cheeks and squishes them together. I laugh at this which makes him laugh too.

I look up into his eyes. Frost boy is actually winning me over. He is the last person I thought I would fall for.

"Just think, you hated me the first time I talked to you." I whisper as I lean in closer to his lips. I stare deeply into his irises that were cold blue. His long lashes casted a shadow over his cheeks.

"Yeah..." He trails off as our lips meet. Heat rises up in my chest. I immediately grab a tuft of his hair, pushing him in to deepen the kiss.

His soft lips moved with mine as I slip my other hand up his shirt against his toned stomach. We both pause as he then proceeds to use both of his hands to slide his shirt over his head. I do the same with my shirt.

"Are you okay with this?" He asks softly. I nod and begin to kiss the crook in his neck as he sits there.

We both stand up and continue to kiss one another whilst moving towards the bedroom.

"Dammit!" I shout as I step on one of the toy soldiers on the floor. We both just stare at each other and laugh as Jack closes the door behind us.


Pretty...erm...interesting chappie :D

Sorry if you don't like that stuff...I tried to leave the rest for you to figure out what they're doing on your own :3

Look at that I updated twice in the span of two days!!!! Yippee!!!!

Alright time for me to checkout into dreamland....


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