Two Timing

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Elsa POV

I sigh as I sit down on my bed. I scan my walls, they were newly repainted, covered in snowflakes and it looked transparent, as if it were made of ice. I smile as I lay against the pillows as I open my laptop. I checked my online account and noticed I have four friend requests.

I clicked the notification button to see who requested. One from Hiccup, I happily accept and follow back. One for Merida, I accept and follow back. One from Rap, accept and follow back. One from...Jack?!?! I hesitantly click the "accept" button, but I don't follow back.

The curious person I am, I clicked on his profile. He had pictures of...a motorcycle?! I giggled as I saw its name was "Lolo."

"Elsa?"I heard Anna ask.

I jumped and slammed my laptop down. Anna looked at me quizzically. I smiled innocently.

"Um...whatcha doing there?" She asked awkwardly.

"Oh, nothing. Just checking my profile online." I answer innocently.

"Um...sure." She said as she still stared at me.

"Uh...I didn't see you much today...How was your first day?" I ask, trying to change the subject. She scoffed.

"Don't try to change the subject on me! Now, gimme your laptop!!!" She shouted.

She ran towards my bed, eyes on the laptop. I screamed as I grabbed the laptop and ran out of the room. She followed me down the stairs, finally grabbing me by the shirt and tickled me until I gave her the laptop.

She opened it up with a triumphant grin as she scanned the screen. Her face changed from happy, to confused.

"You have got to be kidding me!" She yelled, breaking into fits of laughter. I rolled my eyes as I snatched back my laptop.

"Elsa's got a crush!" Anna said, pinching my nose.

"No I don't! He is rude, ignorant, selfish, and so not my type." I answered.

Anna looked at me in disbelief.

"I was only looking at his page because he requested me as a friend. I don't know why though, I thought he hated me." I explained.

Anna began to giggle as she poked my sides. She can blow things way out of proportion.

"Awww. Young love!" She said as she grinned.

I rolled my eyes as I carried my laptop back to my room.

"I ship you two! I can't think of a ship name right now, but I will think of one!" Anna called out. I felt heat rise in my cheeks as I slammed my bedroom door shut.

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