Winter Formal

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Elsa POV

"Elsa! Come look at my dress!" I hear Anna yell down the hall. I sigh as I walk down the hall to her room. I stare in awe as Anna walks out from behind the door. She looks much older than she actually is.

The top of her dress was covered in silver sequins that sparkled in the light. There was a dark green sash that was tied around her waist. Below it, there was a lighter green skirt that was frilly. She has on light makeup with her hair in a braided bun with two curled strands in next to her bangs. She looked very pretty.

"You look amazing, Anna." I say, smiling. She grins in return, then frowns.

"Why are you still in sweatpants?! Our dates are going to be here any minute!" She exclaims, pushing me back into my room. "Get ready, and don't come out until you are!" She said slamming the door. I rolled my eyes as I walked to my closet to pull out my dress.

I layed it on my bed as I shuffled into my walk-in bathroom. Hiccup and I had a great time at the mall the other week. I picked out the most beautiful dress. Of course, I didn't let him see it. I help him pick out a really cute tuxedo that suits his personality well. We have also gone on tons of date. A smile forms on my lips just thinking about him.

I began to curl strands of my very thick hair. I then gather is to the back of my head. I curl my bangs then pull them to the side behind my ear. I place it there with a bobby pin, then walk back into my bedroom. I undress then shimmy into my dress. After I zip it up, I walk to the mirror that is placed in the corner of my room.

My dress reaches floor. It is also silver at the top, but more subtle. The rest is sky blue that is very soft. I flatten it out one last time before I grab my silver clutch and silver heels to go show Anna. She was nibbling on an apple in the kitchen. She quickly swallows as she sees me walk down the stairs.

"Wow Elsa! I have never seen you look so...formal?" She says. I smile as I straighten it out. My head turns as the door rings. I rush over to the door. My shoulders sag a little to see it was only Hans.

"Wow, Elsa you look as beautiful as ever." I smile and call out Anna's name.

"Oh! Hans!" She pecks him on the lips quickly then snuggles around his arm.

"Well, I will see you guys at the dance." I say softly.

"No, we'll wait." Anna says firmly. I wave them off.

"It's fine, Hiccup and I will catch up." I say, nodding. She looks at me one last time before leaving with Hans into his rather expensive looking car.

I shut the door and plop down on the couch and wait for HIccup. After about ten minutes, I hear the doorbell ring again. I quickly turn off the tv and rush over to the door. I am grinning from ear to ear. My grin quickly fades as I peer from behind the door. I look up to see Jack looking down at me.

"Hey." He says casually. I cross my arms and look around him.

"Where is Hiccup?" I ask. He rolls his eyes, then opens his mouth to speak.

"He asked me to take you there. Apparently he has some surprise for you there."

I cover my mouth so Jack doesn't see me smile. It was total silence as he drove deep into the woods.

"This isn't where the Winter Formal is." I say. I was getting really annoyed now.

"We are just taking a little detour." 

My heart dropped as I saw what was ahead of us.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the rushed chappie!!!

It's hard to manage three books, so whatcha gunna do???

I'll try to update again soon!

Until Then!


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