Say Something

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Jack POV

I had just clicked "confirm" on a request to follow Elsa. I don't know why, but I finally gave in to Rap's endless texting, urging me to friend request her. She was my best friend, so I decided not to argue. I just get this feeling about Elsa that makes me automatically dislike her, but I got to admit, she isn't ugly.

Her thick platnimum blonde hair piled into a bun just fits her personality so well. Her light freckles bring out her pale complexion, as her icy blue eyes are curious and young, ready to know about the world. Wait...why am I thinking about her?! She is a bane to my existence!

I need to clear my head, so I hop on my motorcycle and ride to a neighborhood I haven't been in for a long time...

Hiccup and I used to be best friends, up until 8th grade. He was always the nerdy, uptight guy, while I on the other hand, was very relaxed and just went with the flow. The thing was, we both had a crush on Rap, but she ended up picking me instead of Hiccup. It was really stupid now that I think of it. We broke up a half a year later, because I felt really bad.

Rap and I decided to stay friends, but I can't say the same about Hiccup. He had a new best friend Merida, which was kind of his friend, but when I was out of the picture, they became inseperable. Now that Elsa is his friend, he got my attention again. I don't know why.

I hopped off my bike and ran up to the steps of his modest home, which was at the end of a court in the neighborhood across from mine. I think we could be friends again, but it really depends on him.

The door opened, and I was greeted by Hiccup. I flashed as smile, but I don't think he was happy to see me...

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