I Know What You Did

540 26 7

Hiccup POV

I tightened my grip on my books as I traveled down the crowded halls. It was our first day back after the winter break. I dreaded this day for two weeks. I sat by Elsa in four of our classes. I turn to Merida's locker. She sighed and slammed her locker.

"You know it will just piss her off even more if she sees us here." Merida stated, moving back into the busy crowd.

"I know, but did you actually feel something when we did...kiss?" I raised my eyebrows in question. She blushed as she blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"No comment." I laughed and ruffled her hair.

"I'll see you later?" She nodded.

"Of course. Right after you apologize and explain to her this mess. I feel awful for doing this to her." Merida's head falls and her shoulders sag.

"I don't know if she will even let me talk to her." Merida shakes her head.

"Only one way to find out." I answer shakily. 

I slowly walk through the halls. I have never regretted my decisions that night as much as I did now. 

"Say cheese!" A squeaky voice shouted. A bright light flashed in front of my eyes. I blinked rapidly, startled by this sudden bright light. I looked down to see a short blonde jumping up and down smiling.

"Who are you?" I asked irritably.

"I am Abby Heneisen! I am the head of the newspaper. Sorry about the flash but I need at least one picture for the head of the newspaper." She said in a high voice. I shook my head in confusion.

"What for?" I ask. She gasps.

"For the scandal between you, Elsa, and Merida!" She answers, then skips down the newspaper room. I stood astonished. This is going in the newspaper? Oh why does this have to happen.

I keep my eyes on the floor as I rush into my first class. It wasn't because I wanted to be in there, but I didn't want any more prodding from people about the events last weekend. I peeked into the classroom behind the frame. There sat Elsa and Jack in the back corner. He was leaning over her desk looking at what she was drawing.

"See? It's not so hard to draw." She smiled at her finished product. It seemed to be a very detailed picture of an ice castle. It was very good. I never knew Elsa could draw.

I slid into my seat quietly at the opposite side of the room, staring down at my notebook. I then glanced over at Jack and Elsa. His hand was on her shoulder as he whispered something in her ear. She then laughed and looked into his eyes intently. Their eyes were locked and it seemed as if no one else was in the room. I immediately looked away, swallowing thickly. This moment was what I was afraid of.

I had figured that she liked him from the get go. I was just hoping it would not happen. He is a bad guy and isn't all he says he is. I wanted her to be mine and I blew it. I did have feelings for Merida, but I had always liked Elsa more. She was forgiving and compassionate. I hardly knew anything about her. I suddenly wanted to know who exactly was Elsa Winters. I wanted her back, and I wasn't going to stop trying to win her back.


"Would you like to make that a combo, sir?" I asked politely. It was almost the end of my shift at the fast food restaurant in the mall.

"No thanks." He responded and stood by the pick-up counter. My watch beeped signifying the end of my shift. I dressed into my favorite white shirt and plaid button up top and sped out of the restaurant. I had been hatching a plan while stood behind that counter.

I was going to buy Elsa a necklace. I had some money saved up in my bank. This was the perfect thing to spend it on. I was deep in thought that I wasn't watching where I was going. It wasn't long before I ran right into someone. Papers went flying everywhere.

"Oh! I am so sorry!" I said quickly, dropping down to help pick up the papers.

"It's fine. I wasn't really paying attention either." The woman said. I knew that voice. I looked up to see Elsa standing two feet away. She looked up with a smile, which quickly faded as she looked into my eyes.

"Oh, um." I looked all around the mall at the passing faces. Anywhere but at her. I then looked back at her. "Can we talk?" I asked desperately.

"Y-yea s-sure. U-uh where do you wanna go?" She stammered.

"Follow me." I said quickly. and walked down to the coffee shop in the mall.

We grabbed our drinks and sat at the table in the corner. I frequently took sips of my coffee, letting it burn my tongue. I was nervous for what she was going to say. She sighed and looked straight into my eyes. Those electric blue eyes that were once inviting were now heavily guarded.

"I am not mad at you. I am just hurt. I thought we had a connection." She paused for moment to take a sip of her coffee. Her nose was still slightly red from the outside. It fit her pale complexion perfecty. "I guess I was wrong. I want us to be friends, but I wanted you to know that it might never be the same." Her glazed over and she then broke eye contact.

"I don't want it to be different." I nearly shouted. I knew she still had a place in her heart for me. She just needed to find it again.

"I don't want to get hurt again. This is the last thing I need. You kissed another girl, knowing exactly what you were doing. That hurts people." She blinked rapidly and took a swig of her coffee again.

"That kiss meant nothing. It's you I want. I promise I won't do it again." I didn't want it to end like this. I hated this new Elsa. I deserved every second of this torture, but that didn't make it any better.

"It's for the best. I am sorry it had to come to this Hiccup." She looked out the window and watched the passing people.

"Is it because of Jack?" I asked. Is this the reason she isn't willing to open her heart again?

"What? No!" She said defensively. She then stood up. "Don't bring him into this." She grabbed her coffee and gave a small smile. "Goodbye, Hiccup."

I stared at her as she left the coffee shop without looking back.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all!

I am super sorry for the long wait!

I was super busy and I really just wasn't inspired until a few minutes ago...

I understand if you don't want to read this anymore cause I am terrible at updating...

Anyway, gotta go finish my pillow fort!


Strange Thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें