Before S1 ep1

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*Zion\Tarn POV*

I suddenly jolted awake and tried to stand up but I fell down and luckily caught myself but I noticed that my hands were more robotic and purple and then I noticed that I had a double fusion cannon on my left arm then it hit me, I was no longer in my human body but I was in the body of one of my favorite Decepticons. I am now Tarn. And I was no longer on Earth, but a ruined and destroyed planet. I grabbed my head in pain as a rush of memories began to flood in as I remembered everything before waking up here.

Zion: What is going on?

???: I had brought you back to this universe after you died.

Zion: Who are you?! Show yourself!

???: Calm yourself, I mean you no harm, I am Primus.

Zion: So you are the creator of the Cybertronians, correct?

Primus: Yes I am.

Zion: So I have some questions if it's okay with you.

Primus: Ask away.

Zion: Why me? Why bring me back as Tarn?

Primus: I chose you because I believe you were the best shot at helping the last of my descendants. Optimus Prime.

Zion: I see, but I have two requests if it's possible.

Primus: Ask your requests.

Zion: I would like a ship that can take me to Earth that can pass through the Autobots' and Decepticons' sensors.

Primus: That is possible and what is your second request?

Zion: I would like a sword that I can hold.

Primus: That is also possible but I have a question of my own. Why a sword?

Zion: Two reasons, 1 I already have a double fusion cannon, and 2 if the cannon breaks or for some other reason it doesn't work I have something to defend myself with.

Primus: I see, well here's the location of the ship it has everything you need including your sword, good luck Zion.

Zion: Thank you Primus and please call me Tarn, I might as well accept what I am now.

Primus: Of course, Tarn.

Tarn: Thank you again.

As I said that I was given something that seemed like a tracker for the ship I was given and I began my journey to the ship, it took a few hours but I made it and I checked everything on the ship it had enough fuel to get to Earth along with a few more guns, quite a bit of Energon cubes, and my sword I requested and I had figured out how to take flight and put it in auto-pilot and went into stasis the last thing I thought was how would I help Optimus Prime.

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