The new ones

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I pace back and forth. I am not entirely sure what I should do. I just found a massive amount of potential Autobots!

Me: OK. I need to contact Optimus.

I click my comm to try and contact him. Nothing but static.

Me: Optimus? Hello?

I might need to walk outside for this. I walk out of the room but at the entrance of the cave I hear footsteps and I see Vehicon silhouettes. I duck down behind the door.

Me: *thinking* Scrap!

The footsteps sound rushed.

???:*whisper yell* Come on! We already got this far!

???2: *whispers* Well you weren't the one who had their arm shot!

One of the voices sounds feminine. They are getting closer.

???2: What is this?

They get closer. I walk out with my cannons raised at them.

???1/2: Whoa!

They put their hands up and back up.

Me: Who are you and why are you here?

They look back at each other and back at me unsure of what to do.

Me: Are you going to answer or am I going to have to knock you to the ground?

They don't answer still. I rush them punch one in the face knocking him out and neck chop the other one as she falls out cold. I prop them up against the cave wall and walk outside and contact Optimus.

Me: Optimus? Can you hear me?

Optimus: Yes I hear you Tarn. What is the problem?

Me: I need you here as soon as possible. I am sending you my coordinates and there is a cave entrance walk in it. This is very important.

Optimus: Understood.

I click my comm again and I walk back inside the cave and see that the Vehicons are still knocked out. I hear the echo of a GB opening and echoing footsteps. I look back and see Optimus Prime's silhouette along with the others.

Arcee: I really hope that these two are not what's so important that you had to bring us here.

She motions to the two Vehicons.

Me: No they were here at the wrong place wrong time. Follow me.

They all looked confused. I turn around and walk to the door with the others close behind. I hear Bumblebee beeping trying to communicate.

Me: I am going to assume you are asking about the door.

I look back and he nods.

Me: I am not entirely sure. It's what inside is why I brought you here.

Shatter: What is inside that is so important?

Me: You just have to see for yourself, but someone might have to stay with our two friends here.

I motion to the Vehicons.

Optimus: Bulkhead.

Bulkhead: Yeah Optimus?

Optimus: Are you ok with staying here?

Bulkhead: Uh sure.

Optimus nods and we walk into the room and we see all of the pods.

Dropkick: By Primus.

Waspinator: What izz thizz?

Me: I am not sure Waspinator. Maybe Optimus knows.

We look at Optimus. His eyes are wide with curiosity. He walks to one of the pods and looks at it.

Optimus. I am not sure what this is either I'm afraid.

Me: Should we try opening one?

Optimus: Perhaps that is the best option, but I am more concerned about those pods over there.

He points to the group of pods that are separated from the other pods. I walk over to them there's about ten different pods ranging from different sizes. I look all around them still no sign of an insignia.

Me: There's no insignia anywhere on these.

Optimus: We may need the assistance of Ratchet.

Me: Even if we do find out what or who these are what are we going to do? If the Decepticons find this place...

It's silent.

Optimus: We will cross that when it comes but we need to get Ratchet. Waspinator please come.

He nods.

I nod. Optimus walks out with Waspinator to get Ratchet here. I continue to look at the pods. All different sizes, most with the Autobot insignia. It's only these ten that don't have one. I look at the others all unsure of what to think. No one has said anything since Optimus walked out. It's very worrying not for the others their reaction is understandable but it's the possible Cybertronians in these pods. If the Decepticons find them they're done for. I look at the doorway to see Optimus and Ratchet there but Waspinator is not there with them.

Me: Hey where's Waspinator?

Ratchet: He stayed back to operate the Ground Bridge.

I nod as Ratchet approaches one of the pods with a device. He puts the device near one of the pods.

Ratchet: There is definitely something in here. It's alive but it's in stasis.

Me: Well then, what say you doc? Should we open one?

He rolls his eyes at me calling him doc, but he nods he opens the pod to reveal...

To be continued

A/N: Apologies for another short part, but another vote commences. Yes, yes very annoying. Who is in the pod? I will let you decide everything about the Autobot in the pod Ratchet opened, so it's all up to you, readers.

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