Chapter 1...

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"Lebanon it's been confirmed",Belize said as she barged into the room.
"What has", Brunei (my mum) asked as she turned to face Belize.
"We suspected a black hole at one end of space", Lebanon answered. "And we wanted the researchers to find out if it's true",he added.
"And u didn't find it necessary to let me know",mum shot.
"I'm sorry commander", Lebanon said with his head facing down.
"What's going on",my dad(Kiribati) asked.
"These kids...they just want to do everything on their own like they are old enough",mum complained.
"Come on mum,they just wanted to confirm before telling you",I said with a pout.
         She folded her hands and glared at me hard....causing the scales in my hand and leg to shake. I ran my hands through my spiked hair(black at the base and white at the tip).
"(Sigh) but next time let me know before you all do things like this. It can be dangerous and don't forget that I'm still your commander",mum said .
"Yes ma'am",we all chorused.
"One more thing....I am still the director when it comes to making research and I would be pleased if u take permission before doing anything here",dad said.
"Noted sir",Belize said with a chuckle.
"So what do we do about the black hole ", Lithuania asked feeling seriously hyped.
"We'll check it out and see if a planet is there somewhere ",mum said. "Get the spaceship ready and also tell the queen....I'm checking out",she added.
"No!",I yelled and everyone was looking at me.
"Why no",mum asked.
"Well cause I wanted to go",I replied and everyone bursted into immerse laughter. "What",I asked feeling offended.
"Seriously want to leave crutox", Lithuania said with a stern look.
"Not like u could do better",I said and she scoffed.
"Drax it's too dangerous,you're not used to it",mum said softly. "Right honey ",she added as she faced my dad. I too looked at him with pleading eyes....
"Well if he wants to try then...."
"Yes",i said interruptedly as I danced around the room shoving at Lithuania.
"Honey",my mum yelled.
"Let him try at least,he wants to go",dad said.
"You're the best dad"I said. "Lithuania....get the spaceship ready and take permission from the queen.....I'm checking out ",I added with a smirk.
"But be careful ok",my mum said.
"Yh yh sure",I replied.

Makhantaki's P.O.V
      I was sitting on my throne with my baby pet glauf glauf by my side.
"(Ri..)" he sounded as he flipped and ran across the room.
"Come here glauf glauf...we don't want you ruining that perfect green skin",I said.
"Good morning my purple glory",I heard someone say and I turned to see a traveller. I knew because of her badge.
"Any problem",I questioned as I sat uprightly.
"We just wanted your permission to check out a black hole we found in space",she said.
"Do you think it can be a threat",I asked as my mood suddenly changed.
"We can't say until we examine it closely....but to me I feel its safe",she replied.
"Ok tell the team to prepare the space ship ",I replied.
"Thanks my queen ",she said and left.
        When she left the room I felt a sudden feeling inside me. The feeling that had been bothering me for a long time and I really didn't know how to address it.
"What's bothering you ", omam said as he entered.
"Nothing",I said quickly.
"My queen it is disheartening to see you like this",he said. "What's the need of being your advicer if you can't even share your problems with me",he added.
"I'm just thinking a lot about our planet and it's people",I said.
"The matters of crutox can be very hard to carry on the shoulder of a queen",he said. "But I'm here to relieve you of that burden...Im I not",he added and I smiled.
"I've just been having troubling nightmares of crutox being in danger",I said.
"But all other planets are at peace with us",omam said.
"I know but I can't help it",I said.
"I trust in your judgement my queen but I would like it for you to be confident in yourself",he said.
"Thank you very much omam",I said.....

Drax's P.O.V
     The space ship was ready and everyother thing was set for me.
"Honey be careful out there ",my mum said as she came closer to me.
"You've been saying this for the past three hours, what am I... ten ",I said.
"I'm just a little worried ",she said.
"A little ",I said sarcastically.
"Mother's always worry about their kids...its normal ",dad said.
" I'm matured dad... besides it's just to get to the black hole,send some pictures and investigate.... there's a tracking device and enough food as well. I got this",I explained.
"Ok fyn go",my mum said and the coundown started......3....2...1.....

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