Chapter 16

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We all got back safely last night but drax fell unconscious. I laid him on the bed in his room. He wasn't awake to eat so I let it felt good for him to be back.
I went to his room this morning and he was still asleep. I sighed as breakfast was already prepared. I was heading out when I barged into Chris.
"How is he",Chris asked with a concerned expression.
"He hasn't woken up yet",I replied.
"Don't worry it's alright",he said and I nodded. "The police is here and would like to speak with him", Chris added.
"But he's still asleep",I protested.
"It's ok...I'm awake now",I heard drax say and when I turned I saw him already sitting up on the bed.
"Good morning", Chris said.
"Morning",drax replied with a smile.
I just looked away as I couldn't muster enough courage to even look him in the eye.
"They're downstairs", Chris said and drax got out the bed. He past by me without a word and went downstairs with Chris. I joined them later and served tea and snacks for everyone.
"So drax",the officer called. "Can you narrate what happened",he asked and drax nodded.
"I had a really big argument at home that night and I felt really bad",drax started as he turned to look at me. Immediately I looked away as discomfort crept into my soul. "I was then kidnapped by men and was threatened to strip at the club",he added.
"What was the threat",the officer asked.
"It's kinda personal ",drax replied.
"How many nights have done it",the officer asked again.
"It was just last night ",he said.
"I'm truly sorry for what happened ",the officer said.
"It's all ok now that I'm back home ",drax replied.
"Is there a good description you can give me of your boss",the officer asked.
"I can't give a clear description ",he said. "But I would really like to find a friend....her name is Veronica ",he added.
"Any idea on where she could be",he asked.
"Boss took her away when he ran",drax replied.
"We'll see what we can do", the officer said.
"Thanks ",drax said and they nodded before leaving.
"So drax hope ur fine now", Chris asked.
"Yh I'm ok.....just a little hungry ",he replied.
"Eason can you maybe whisk up something for us", Chris asked.
"The ingredients are in the freezer ",I said plainly and ran upstairs to my room.
I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I still felt for what I did. It was all my fault that he suffered this much.
"Eason",I heard drax call out. I looked up and he came closer to me laying in the bed next to me.

It felt really good to be back but a part of me still missed my home in crutox....I was worried about Veronica as well.
I narrated my story to the police and after which they left. But through out...Eason didn't talk to me. He didn't even make eye contact...nor did he apologize. He just went upstairs....
I wanted to understand why he was behaving weird towards me. Wasn't he happy about my return or has he not yet forgiven me.
       He's just feeling bad....he hasn't been himself for the past few days",Chris said like as if he read my mind and I nodded. "Eat first then go to him",he added.
"I'll eat after talking to him",I replied as I went upstairs to Chris room.
"Eason",I called out as I went into his room and laid down beside him.
"You've been acting weird ",I said but his gaze was fixed on the ceiling.
"What do you mean",he asked.
"You haven't given me a glance since we came.... aren't you happy to see me",I asked with a frown as I shifted my gaze from him.
"Of course I'm happy to see you",he replied.
"Then why are you avoiding me",I shot.
"I'm not avoiding you",he replied.
"Then what's the matter ",I asked and he sighed.
"I just....I feel bad ok"he replied.
"Feel bad about what",I questioned.
"About everything that happened ",he replied and I smiled.
"So this is your reason for behaving weird...I'm fine Eason",I said.
"No you don't get it....if anything bad happened to you then I wouldn't be able to forgive myself ",he said.
"But I'm ok",I replied.
"I can't just get over what I did that night ",he said as he looked down.
"Please let's just for...
"I hurt your feelings drax,it's my fault",he said.
"Stop it",I yelled slightly as I made him face me. "Yes I was hurt but I was also in the've done a lot for me and I will always be indebted",I narrated.
"I haven't done anything good for you...if Chris didn't call the police then I would have been the reason you died",he protested.
"But at least you didn't leave me alone... please don't blame yourself for anything",I said.
"Ok fine....I'm sorry for behaving like that",he said as he looked at me with a smile.
"I want this smile to never fade from your face cause it warms my heart a lot",I said.
"My smile warms your heart",he asked as he didn't take his eyes of mine.
"Yes",I replied softly and his eyes closed slowly.
      By the time he opened his eyes he used his hand to lift my chin.... suddenly sealing my lip in a kiss.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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