Chapter 9

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     I sat down there and ate the food...not too lie it was yummy. For some business man..he was a good cook. I remembered that mum and dad were always too busy to cook for me so u always went to a zuva.
     I finished up quickly and went to Eason's room....took the dirty clothes and went to the back of the house...where the washer was.
" do you use this",I said out loud. I know back in crutox there was a button for these kind of things since it had automatic on them.
     I opened the lid and put the clothes inside,added little detergent and checked around for any button. I found one and I turned it on.... Immediately the clothes started spinning.
      I smiled at my impressive work and left the clothes in the washer.
Eason's P.O.V
     I came home with an anticipated spirit In my heart. While at work I really wanted to come home quickly which was quite unusual cause I never wanted to come back...
    I got inside the house and didn't see drax around. I went up to his room and saw him peacefully on the bed. I chuckled slightly as the thought of him staying awake for me would be possible.
      I left his room and went to mine. Got dressed after bathing and went to have dinner. After that my phone rang...
"Yeah Chris",I said as I answered the call.
"Just wanted to remind you to get the suit ready for tomorrow night",he said.
"Yh.... already taken care of",I said. "I'm going to be one of the hottest guys there",I added.
"Well Im just happy cause those Chinese idiots have finally agreed to sigh the contract", Chris said.
"Don't talk like that or else they'll complain about our manners too",I said and we both started laughing.
"Ok that's enough..bye",he said and ended the call.
      I went into my room and saw my dirty laundry where I left it. So he didn't wash them after all....I assumed as I laid down on my bed and drifted to sleep.
      I woke up this morning and hurriedly went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After that I ran to drax's room and found him on the bed still sleeping. I sighed as I woke him up violently.
"Why are you waking me up this're the one who's going to work not me ",he complained.
"You're such a lousy haven't kept your end of our deal and your promise",I said.
"What are you talking about",he asked.
"This house needs cleaning ",I said.
"Ok fine just go....I'll do it later",he replied and then I remembered what he did with my clothes (he didn't wash them).
"It's a work free day since we are preparing for an event tonight ",I said.
"So it means your not leaving ",he questioned.
"Yeah exactly ",I replied.
"Ok fine I'm coming ",he said and got up from the bed.
      He went into the bathroom and I sat down in the bed waiting for him. He finished soon enough and we both went down for breakfast.
"What's for breakfast ",he asked.
"What breakfast....your not eating until you're done",I said.
"You're kidding right ",he said.
"Oh but I'm not...if you eat so much you won't be able to work well",I said.
"But that's not how it works where I come from",he protested.
"I don't care.... I'll be upstairs in my room listening to music...when you're done, report to me",I said.
"That's cheeky...I need energy",he said.
"All the food you've eaten without working should give you enough energy",I said and went up to my room.

Drax's P.O.V
      How in earth can he be so cruel. Waking me up very early in the morning to clean. Even my mom never did this to me. I sighed as I went to the store room to get the broom.
      I swept the living room, dinning room,passage way ....removed the cobwebs  and cleaned with the mop. When I was done I went straight to the kitchen. It was then I realized that the dishes were still dirty.
      I angrily washed the dishes,kept them accordingly and cleaned the shelf's,counter and cupboards. Swept the floor and mopped as well....I was finally done with that and went to the terrace outside the house.
      Swept,cleaned and arranged all the benches....watered the plants and removed the weeds.
      The time already moved to 2pm and I had just finished moping the staircase and all the rooms except Eason's room.
      I stood beside the door with my equipments. I didn't know how I was going to enter.
"Come in drax",he said and I entered.
"How did you know I was standing there",I asked while he was still on his phone.
"Perceived the scent of soap",he replied and I rolled my eyes.
"You want to clean this room right",he asked and I nodded. "Are you tired",he added in question.
"Yes I am",I replied quickly.
"Don't worry it's the last room",he said. "Clean up fast so you can eat",he added and a frown formed up on my face.
      He didn't even volunteer to help me. I rolled and I went into his bathroom. I was too angry to clean it properly....I just threw water all around the place.
"He thinks he's so nice and generous...Mr tough guy. Just because he has everything I'm now a slave....he didn't even let me eat. He's so wicked and...
"And....",i heard Eason say as he entered the bathroom.
"Shoot",I said softly.
"You said Im wicked and ....",he repeated.
"I wasn't talking about you",I lied.
"Then who",he asked and I looked away.
      He then moved so close to me that there was no space between us. He removed the broom and mop from my hold and kept them in the floor. After that he pinned me on the wall.
      His fierce eyes pierced right through me and that smile did so many things to my body. This is exactly why I try staying far from him as possible.
"I'm sorry",he said with an apologetic look and I fell so speechless. "I'll help",he added and moved away from me.... gosh the relief...
      He picked up the rag and used it to clean the walls, toilet and the bathtub. He washed the floor even cleaner I did in my own room. He placed everything in order and even cleaned his room.
"You know.....",he started as he came closer to me again. "I can also clean your body too",he added.
"I don't think it's necessary ",I shot quickly.
"Well what if I really want to clean you up",he asked.
"Another time",I said and he smiled.
      Drax cleaned up his body and came downstairs. I felt really bad that he didn't eat anything throughout today so I made a heavy course meal for tonight.
      I cooked 15 big pancakes with syrup all around, toasted bread and fried eggs. I also added some apples and bananas....all in one tray. I put the tray on the table and kept pineapple juice at the side.
"What's so special",drax asked as he came towards the dinning table.
"You haven't had anything since...and besides you deserve it for a job well done",I replied.
"Mmmm it looks nice",he complimented.
"Well hurry up before I go",I said.
"We're are you going",he questioned.
"Remember I told you about an event this morning",I said.
"Ohhh",he said as his mood dropped slightly.
"But I'll come back soon",I said assuring him.
"It's ok",he said.
"Speaking of which I have to get ready",I said and ran upstairs to my room.
      I checked the place where I kept my black tuxedo but I didn't see it there.
"This can't be right",I said out loud and searched the entire room. "Drax!",I yelled and I ran downstairs.
"What's the matter",he asked.
"Did you see a black tuxedo in my room",I asked.
Umm...can you describe",he said.
"Something like this",I said as I showed him a pic on my phone.
"Oh I have",he said.
"Oh thank heavens where",I asked.
"It was part of the clothes I washed",he replied and my brows ceased.
" didn't even touch my dirty clothes",I said.
"Of course I did silly....I washed it",he said.
"Darn.......where is it",I asked and drax ran towards the washing room.
"You didn't even get it dry....don't worry I'll wait till it's dry before going",I said.
       I brought out the suit and......
"Oh my....",I heard drax exclaim from behind me.
       I couldn't even call it a tuxedo cause it was shredded into pieces with detergent all over it. My fist started shaking and my blood was boiling. By this time boutiques should have been closed and this was the only thing I depended on ....
"Eason I....",drax started but paused as I glared at him hard.
       I left there because if I didn't I would have beaten him to a pulp. I went  to the living room still enranged as I threw the piece of shit on the floor.
        Pacing up and down in the room....I had nothing to hands were tied and my stupid phone kept on ringing.
"Who's this",I asked trying my best to control my anger.
"Eason where are you.... boss is already asking for you", Chris said.
"I'm not going to make it",I said.
"What..Eason what are you saying",Chris asked.
"Don't disturb me again Chris",I said.
"But....",he started but I ended it.
        Just then drax came to the living room staring at me so innocently. It was all his fault.
"Why",I asked trying my best to control my rage.
"I....I....",he said stammering.
"What do you think I should do now",I asked.
"I didn't mean to....
"I gave you one damn instruction and you couldn't even keep to it",I yelled interrupting him.
"I wasn't sure of how to use....
"You aren't sure of don't know anything so what are you good for?",I yelled even louder. "Just ahh",I screamed and threw the tray of food away.
"Eason please....
"Stay away from've done nothing but eat my money,food and stayed under my roof....all for free,I don't even know you ",I said.
"No please....
"I want you to get out of my house now!",I said as I pointed at the door.
"Please you can't do this....I have no where to go",he pleaded.
"I don't give a damn",I said. "Get out!!!",I yelled and he ran out...........

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