Chapter 2

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Drax's P.O.V
The spaceship started and I could see that the navigation systems were working quite well. Engines and everything was intact.
"Finally eating time",I said out loud as I took out a yurt and devoured it in one bite. "Gosh.... yummy",I added and took another.
"This is crutox.....crutox to drax,can you hear me?",I heard Lebanon loudly.
"I hear you loud and clear cap",I said as I continued eating my yurt.
"You're eating already when you literally just started your journey", Lebanon asked with disbelief in his voice.
"And you're checking up on me when I also just started this journey",I shot back.
"Doesn't count but you know what I don't care cause if your food runs stay hungry",he replied.
"Whatever ",I said and was about to take another bite when it fell on the controls. "Shoot",I exclaimed as I tried to clean it but ended up pressing a button.....oh oh...
"Lebanon can you hear me",I asked but got no response. I tapped the button again but nothing.
Deep breath drax....maybe it's just the signals .... everything is intact.
"Oh sorry I'm back,just had a problem back here", Lebanon said.
"I won't disturb anymore... promise", Lebanon said and indeed he kept quiet.
Everything was going smoothly and I saw different sources of light. I also saw other planets that were friends with us crutoxians.
I was getting closer to the hole and at least I could see it.....but on getting there the ship started vibrating discomfortably..All the controls were malfunction and I couldn't get to Lebanon. Just then I realized the smoke from the ship and fear gripped me.....the next thing I knew was that I hard a rough landing falling directly from the atmosphere......

Professor Montenegrin's P.O.V
"Damn this shit", professor Uzbek said as he threw the newspaper across the room.
"What is it", professor Nevis asked with a puzzled expression.
"There's news of about a 100 students graduating from college into the scientific field",Uzbek said.
"So what is the big deal",I asked as I held the microscope.
"Cause being in a scientist means sitting all day in a boring labwuth nothing interesting .... everything we know has already been discovered so what's new to learn",Uzbek said.
"Things come up every day Uzbek.....give it time,at least we still get paid",Nevis said.
"Paid....paid my foot", Uzbek yelled. "If I had my way I would get everything I wanted without begging or waiting for salary ",ha added.
"Uzbek is right...but if we want to do that we have to gather so much information about earth and maybe the entire world even",I said.
"But that is not why we became scientists",Nevis said.
"We don't care about that Nevis....don't behave stupid",I shot.
"Professors",Haiti said as she ran into the lab.
"Be careful",Nevis said.
"Im sorry",she said painting heavily.
"The the...speak girl",Uzbek asked.
"The gravitational pull up force we set up close to the black hole pulled down a spaceship",she said and I couldn't believe my ears.
"Are you sure if what youre saying",I asked.
"Yes sir....the codes were different from that of earth",she replied.
"But how come it hasn't landed yet",Nevis asked.
"In suddenly a loud crash was heard right outside the building.......

Hope u guys are enjoying the book so far.
Although I feel the chapters are too short....I'll try my best to make them longer..
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰Luv u guys..

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