Chapter 4...

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The Next Morning
Eason's P.O.V
       The door bell was rung very early in the morning and I ran to open the door.
"Thank God u made it",I said.
"You said there was a problem so I came running"Chris replied. "So.....",he added.
"Last night I was still drousy from all the drinking and then I ran over someone",i said.
"You're kidding right",he questioned.
"I'm not...he's still sleeping in the guest room upstairs ",I replied.
"How could you make this mistake ",he asked.
"I don't know....I was driving,he ran super fast and then we collided",i explained.
"Did anyone see u hit him",he asked.
"No I don't think so",I replied.
"Then why didn't you leave him there",he asked.
"Excuse me",I said.
"You should have left it with the police...what if he wakes up and calls the police...better still ,you said he was running,what if he just escaped from can be an Implication on you",Chris blabbed.
"Chris I feel you're taking it all too much",I said.
"And you're taking it too lightly",he said.
"Whatever,take me to him",he said and we went up to the guest room. "You've even dressed his wound",he added.
"Wasn't I supposed to",I questioned.
"I'll pray for you man",Chris said.
"Chris you're making me scared",I said.
"Well you should ",he shot.
         Just then the boy woke up and jumped from the bed immediately grabbing a knife from the table.
"Please don't kill us please....I saved you last night. I didn't mean for it to happen....please don't call the police",I said and Chris stayed behind me.
"What planet is this",I asked.
"'s earth",I replied.
"I told you...he's crazy",Chris said as he arranged his shirt. "You deal with this",he added and left.
"Chris.... Chris",I called but got no response.
         I went closer to him and slowly took the knife away from his hold.
"I'm harmless,I promise",I said. "Please sit down",I added and he did just that. "I'm Eason and you are...",I introduced but he said nothing.
"Ok maybe you're shy",I said. "Do you perhaps want to shower",I added in question and he nodded.
"Ok th bath room is in there with the bathtub....I'll go get clean clothes and a towel for you",I said and left.
        How can someone be so complex.. I got the clothes from my room and went back to the guest room. Upon getting there I saw him standing at the entrance.
"What happened,is the tap broken ",I asked and he just gaped at me. I sighed as I went in and and saw that everything was perfect. "It's can use it",I said and was about to leave when...
"I don't know how to use it", I heard him say and I turned back to look at him with disbelief.
"You don't know how?",I repeated and he looked down in the floor.
"You um...turn on the tap like this",I said while practicallizng it. "When th tub is full then put the amount of soap you'd like to use", I added. The bath got soapy and I looked at him.
"You can go",he said.
"But you might need help undressing",I said.
No I won't",he replied.
"Ok peeking",I assured and covered my eyes.
        I heard the unzipping sound of his jeans and then I stepped on soap which meant he already sat in the tub.
"Ok now bath",I said and he started washing up...gotta admit he looked really cute doing so.
       I was staring so much that I didn't realize that he was trying to reach the soap at his side. I sighed as I crossed over his face to get the soap but found myself enchanted in his gaze.
       I felt stiff and I didn't move.....he looked at me and I did same...
"Aren't you going to bath",he asked bringing me back to reality and I blinked my eyes.
"I've already had my bath",I replied.
"Ok",he said and I awkwardly stood away from him. "I'm done now....what do I do",he added in question.
"Clean up",I said and threw the towel at him...."your clothes are on the bed,when you're done..come downstairs",I added and left.

Drax's,s P.O.V
"Clean up",he said and threw a towel at me...your clothes are on the bed,when you're done come downstairs",he added and then left.
      Ok now I was puzzled....where am l..
Hmm earth,never heard of it.... could be dangerous.(sigh). There's nothing I can do so I guess I'm playing along.
       I cleaned off the water from my body and got dressed. I found myself in a black jean and red top. I couldn't deny I was very hungry....all that running did take a lot from me.
       Speaking of which....what actually happened?. Who were those people?. If only I could someone communicate with my natural homing device (my heart) but I can't.
        I left the room and I saw Eason downstairs at the dining table. I came down stairs and sat down on the chair next to him
       Immediately i sat down,he served me a brown hard thing that looked really bad.
"What's that",I asked.
"It's bread",he replied.
"I don't want it",I said and shoved the plate away.
"And do you think........",he started but stopped as he looked at me. (Sigh).."ok fine what do you want",he added in question.
"I want to eat yurt and kukuu at the side",I replied.
"Excuse me",he said shocked and I just realized what I just said.
"Anything apart from this",I said.
"I don't have anything at home right now but I'll go buy....can you wait....
"No!",I yelled interruptedly.
"Ok would you like to eat out",he said.
"Out where",I asked.
"A restaurant",he replied.
"Re....s..tru..nat", I repeated finding it difficult to pronounce.
"Yes restaurant ",he said. "Let's go", he added and we both stood up.
         We both walked out of the house and met a blue car parked right outside his house. I got in and we drove off..........

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