Chapter 13

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      I was still sitting on the sofa...I just couldn't stop thinking. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something bad happened to him.
"Yh yh yh....I'll get back at you",Chris said as he entered the house.
"You've been a good friend Chris...get back to work",I said as he sat down with me.
"Well do you think I want to stay",he yelled. "I just have to're my best friend",he added as he held my hand. "Besides of I go you won't stop thinking about drax",he said and I chuckled.
"I don't want to sound rude but your presence here won't stop me from thinking about him ",I said.
"I know and that's why I've made arrangements for us tonight",he said.
"I'm not in the mood....
"Nope..I'm not listening to you. You really need to release yourself or you could actually explode",he said.
"Well I don't care",I shot.
"But I care about you...and who knows we can actually find drax tonight",Chris said and I groaned.
"Only this one time",I said.
"Works for me",he said with a smile.
"So where are we going to",I asked.
"Some guys were talking about a super hot stripper down the alley",he replied.
"I'm not going",I said.
"Changing your mind again",he wined. "I promise no drinking",he added.
"Ok",I said.
"Now let's go grab a coffee from breshey",he said and we stood up and left.

"Oh hey Eason", breshey said as she saw us at the entrance.
"Hi",I said.
"'s been a while",she said as she hugged Chris.
"Look at you", Chris said with a smile.
"All thanks to you",she said and I chuckled. "You guys should sit down first",she said and we sat down on a table for three. "What would you like to eat...on the house",she asked.
"Oh thanks.... coffee please",I said.
"Um Michelle",she said as she called out one of her waiters. "Please get two coffees and some muffins as well",she added.
"But bre.....
"Don't complain Eason,enjoy and besides I want you guys to taste the new muffins I baked today",she said interrupting me. I just smiled as Michelle came back with the order.
"Thanks bre",I said and Chris couldn't wait to devour.
"Mmm tasty",he said as he bite from his muffin. "You used nuts... classic",he added as he continued eating.
"Do you want more",she asked.
"Yes please ",he replied and Michelle was sent again.
"So Eason",she said looking at me intently.
"Yh right", I said and took a bite from the muffin.
      Well Chris was right.... really tasty,and nuts in it and crispy too.
"It's wonderful",I said with a smile.
"Do you want more?",she asked.
"No I'm ok",I said.
"C'mon don't have to be formal with me, we're friends ",she said.
"I'm not being formal",I shot.
"He's not being formal.. he's just trying not to be rude", Chris said with his mouth stuffed with muffins.
" wats going on",she said changing the topic.
"Eason has just been stressing a lot but no biggie ",Chris said.
"What's the matter ",breshey asked.
"It's complicated ",Chris said.
"Eason whatever is bothering you...know that I'm here anytime and any day",she said as she held my hand.
"Yh thanks ",I said and she smiled. She took away her hand and then left were we sat.
"Looks like Eason found a crush", Chris said.
"Na I were the one being stuffed up with muffins ",I shot.
"She would've stuffed you too if you had rejected it",Chris said. "Besides didn't you see the way she looked at you",he added and I chuckled.
"That's exactly why I don't like coming here",I replied.
"I'll just go see her before we go",Chris said, stood up and left.
      I sat down waiting for Chris to return. Immediately.....
"He's pretty and I heard he's coming to the club tonight",I heard a man say.
"Isn't it the one at the valley", another asked.
"Yh",the first one replied. This is the last thing I wanted to hear... pedophiles....
"Let's go",Chris said as he came back and we left.

      The sun had set and I had already ate. Not to my satisfaction but at least it was something. I sat there still waiting for what these people had in mind.
"Are you ready", Veronica asked as she entered my room.
"Ready....",I repeated.
"For the outing tonight",she asked.
"Oh that",I said.
"Let me just apply make up on your wounds first",she said as she came closer to me. She opened her kit and applied her brown colored powder on her brush. She was about to apply it when she paused.
      Her eyes shot as she surveyed my entire body.
"What?",I asked.
"Your wounds are all gone",she said in utter disbelief and my eyes shot.
"It healed...isn't that good",I said trying to clear her doubts.
"It's good but it ain't normal....those bruises were bad and I didn't even clean them well this morning",she said.
"It's nothing",I said as I stood up.
"I need an explanation",she said.
"What are you...a doctor",I shot.
"No but I'm curious",she said.
"Well I don't think boss will be happy to see you like this with me",I said.
"Try to change the topic all you want but my curiosity won't be stopped",she said.
"Ok fine what do you think is the reason",I asked.
"You can be a witch for all I care or  a demon even",she replied and it caused me to laugh. "Why are u laughing",she asked as a frown crept into her face.
"Well I'm neither a demon nor a witch",I said ignoring her question.
"Why do I feel you're hiding something",she said as she stared at me.
"What if I am",I questioned.
"Spill",she said.
"And what if I don't want to",I further asked.
"Then I'll feel very bad",she replied. "And hey you never told me anything about your family ",she added.
"Was I meant to",I shot.
"I did tell you about mine....I thought we were friends ",she said.
"Friends ",I repeated with a chuckle. "You won't understand my relationship with my family ",I added.
"You don't know that unless you tell me",she said as she sat down on my bed.
"Why are you sitting ",I asked.
"Cause I'm listening to you",she replied.
"But I'm not telling you anything ",I said.
"Oh c'mon please ",she pleaded with a pout.
"What do you want to know ",I asked.
"Everything ",she replied and I sighed as I went to the door and closed it.
"Don't tell anyone ok ",I said and she nodded. "I'm an alien...........

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