Chapter 10

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Drax's P.O.V
      I had completely forgotten about the clothes. I didn't mean to ruin them or hurt him. Eason has done a lot for me,this certainly wasn't how I was going to repay him.
"You aren't sure of can't do anything,so what are you good for",he yelled and those words kept on ringing in my ears.
      Back at home I was used to always being called lazy,good for nothing and other things but him saying it hurt the deepest part of me.
"Just ahh",he yelled and threw the tray of food in the floor.
"Eason please....
"Stay away from me,you've done nothing but eat my food,my money and stayed under my roof....I don't even know you",he said and tears started rolling down my cheeks. It hurt me a lot but the truth Is the truth.
"Get out of my house right now",he said pointing at the door.
"No please...I don't have where to go",I pleaded.
"I don't give a damn",he said. "Get out!!!",he yelled and I ran out of the house.
      I ran as fast as my human legs could carry me and immediately I bumped into a group of men.
"Ouch",one of them said as I stepped on him.
"Sorry",I said as I turned to walk away.
"Wait",he said as he grabbed my arm.
"Let me's hurting",I said but he didn't let go.
"What is a pretty boy like you doing here all alone",he said. "Where's your family",he asked.
"I don't have one...let me go",I yelled and a hard slap landed on my face.
"He'll make good profits....take him",the other man said and they put a cloth on my mouth......mmm...mmm...until I faded into darkness....

       Immediately I regained consciousness....I noticed that I was blind folded.
"He's awake",I heard one say.
"This is where you're going to stay and make big boss very happy",the other said as they removed the blind fold.
"Take me back or else....
"Or else what",the man shot back with a sinister smile.
      I wanted so bad to transform and rip this bastard apart. My rage ,pain and every other emotion  circulated. I could feel was about to....
"F***,it stopped and then I fell onto the floor. I didn't have enough energy..
"What now pretty boy",the man said with a laugh and he left the room locking the door behind him.....

Eason's P.O.V
      I woke up this morning and found myself in the living room.
"So I slept here",I asked out loud as I surveyed the house for drax. Just then I heard the door bell. "Coming",I said and went to open the door. Immediately Chris entered inside.
"Eason WTF happened last night",he asked and my brows ceased.
"What happened",I asked.
"About the party...why did you bail",he further questioned and then everything dawned on me. I sighed as I went to sit down and ran a fraustrated hand through my hair.
"Don't worry I'll deal with boss",I said.
"Already taken care off",he said.
"Thanks man",I said with a smile.
"No need to thank's the least I could do for my best friend",he replied.
"So you actually love me huh",I said.
"Don't make this harder than it already is",he said.
"Just say it..'i love you'",I pestered anh he shot me a glare.
"I don't want your baby boy giving uncomfortable stares",he said with a smile.
"Meaning ",I asked.
"Where's drax ",he asked.
"Oh hes upstairs.............f***!",I exclaimed with a frown on my face.
"What's the matter ", Chris asked.
"What have I done...god damn it",I said not minding Chris.
"Can you fill me in at least ",he said and I narrated everything to him. "And you threw him out because of your black suit",he added.
"It's not like that...I don't Justin know what came over me last night ",I replied.
"What do we do now",he asked.
"I'll call the police ",I replied as I took out my phone.
       I dialed the hotline and waited patiently for an answer but none came. I tried again and again but it was futile.
"So what now", Chris asked again.
"Maybe we can search and go to the station.....paste folders,no what am I saying...
"Eason this city is not a place for naive people like drax to be In. Just being to an industry,he went home crying...what do you think will happen,not the mention the homophobes",Chris said.
"Chris Chris....I'm thinking ok",I yelled and ran upstairs.
      I changed into a pair of black jeans and blue top. I didn't have my bath cause there was no time to waste. I came back down and Chris and I left the house.
      We both went round the neighborhood asking different people if they had maybe seen drax. We didn't have a picture of him so it was more difficult than expected.
      We covered the whole neighborhood but no one had an idea of where he could be.
      Fear crept down into my soul and Chris wasn't even helping matters. Drax knew no one here,and I chased him away even after pleading.....what's wrong with me!..I can remember exactly how he looked at me with sad and scared eyes begging for me to calm down but I didn't..Gosh..Eason.
      He had already gone through enough trauma... being kidnapped,away from the ones he loved. Being in a whole new city and a moron running him over. No..I can't rest knowing fully well that drax isn't at home....I have to find him,he must come home to me...
"I'm going to the station",I said and ran leaving Chris on the street.
"Wait I'm coming too",he yelled and ran after me.
      We both got to the station and met the officer in duty.
"Good morning sir",I greeted.
"Morning.... anything I can help you with",he asked.
"Yes um...I'm searching for a bit named drax...he's a little shorter than me, light skinned with black eyes",I described.
" how long has been since he got missing",the officer asked.
"Last night sir",I replied. "I don't have his picture....
"Young man let's do this. If the boy return home in the next 24 hours then we'll take immediate action ",the officer said.
"Excuse me",I said. "So you want me to do nothing for 24 hours....what if he's in danger",I asked.
"But what if he's could be a real threat to our time management ",he replied.
"Time my foot....the life of a person is at stake and youre concerned about your time",I shot.
"We have other cases to deal with",he said and I scoffed.
"Well you don't look busy to me",I said. "You know what I don't need you",I added with a glare.
"Eason Eason don't say that are u mad....of course we need them", Chris said. "Sorry about that officer he's just angry....we will wait ",he added and then we left.
"What was that",I yelled.
"You don't know what kind of game your getting least let's get their help",he explained.
"But I can't go home and sit doing nothing about drax",I protested.
"What do you want to do...go to more stations and get the same answer?. Walk around the neighborhood and still get nothing...we don't even have his picture ", Chris said and I sighed.
"It's my fault",I said.
"Of course it is....I didn't do anything ",he replied. "Let's go",he added and we left.....

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