Chapter 12

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"Professor....any discovery yet",Uzbek asked as he entered the lab with a stench.
"Oh gosh heavens, Uzbek haven't you showered at all",I asked.
"I can't shower I have to keep my eyes peeled for any alien",he replied.
"We will find least we know his human and alien form",I replied.
"That darn alien is a fucking shape shifter...he can turn into anything at anytime",he said.
"You're taking things overboard",I said and he shot me a stare. "What if he finds a way to go back home",I questioned.
"It's not possible....",he shot.
"But he is an alien....a crutoxian for that matter",I pointed out.
"Crutoxians are one of the smartest living people across the galaxy....for the fact that they could hide their existence from us humans yes. But that boy is young and inexperienced so I doubt", Uzbek said.
"That's deep",I said. "Well brother invited me over to his club tomorrow night ",I added.
"Why are you telling me",he asked.
"Aren't you coming ",I questioned.
"No...",he said plainly.
"I have to run some more tests and make gadgets to capture him",he said and I sighed.
"How do you want to do that",I asked.
"I found a bit of the boys hair and I've been working on it since last theories suspect that I can control all the crutoxians with one piece of his body",he explained.
"That's huge",I said.
"Very..,.and so I need that boy to confirm",he said.
"I'll see what I can do professor",I replied.

      I sat down on the chair in the lab still lost in thoughts. It had literally been so long without my son. I should have been the one to go missing....what did he do to deserve this??. Yes he may be annoying and reckless but I still love him.
      My purple skin had lost it color in the past few days and so did my healing capabilities. I wasn't eating well to support my powers but how could I.....when I didn't even know if my baby had eaten or not.
"Commander",I heard Lithuania call and I saw Belize and Lebanon standing with her.
"Any news",I asked feeling hyped already but they nodded negatively. "Ohh",I said with a sad face.
"Please commander the three of us don't like seeing you like this and your husband as well", Lithuania said.
"I can't help it do you expect me to smile when my son probably isn't",I said.
"We all miss drax commander and even if he can be annoying,we still love him. We all know what you've been going through but the three of us have even left crutox",she explained.
"Please don't go near the black hole",I said.
"Yes commander. But I have to say that the black hole isn't the cause of the problem ", Lithuania said.
"What is then",I asked as my brows raised.
"That were not sure but I feel certain that drax is in great hands",she replied.
"Thank you all in your efforts to find my son...I'm grateful ",I said.
"Commander he's our friend too you know", Lebanon said and I smiled softly.
"Brunei",I heard someone call and when I turned I saw the queen.
"My queen ",the three of them said with a slight bow and I just avoided her gaze.
"I know my actions towards you then was wrong and now I've come to apologize ",she said.
"I'm sorry to say but your apologies won't bring back my son",I said plainly.
"I know and that's why I've been assisting your husband and all other researchers across the galaxy....I won't rest easy until your son is found ",she said.
"You mean it",I asked.
"I may not fully understand the pain you're going through since I don't have children of my own but I do understand what it means for you to lose someone you love so much ",she explained.
"I'm sure you'd make a good mum",I said softly.
"Would you like to have tea and maybe visit a spa...look at you",that queen said.
"I don't know of how to reject your offer my queen ",I said.
"Then don't....and all of you too",the queen said and Lithuania was already smiling.

      I found myself in my room again but this time I was tied to the ceiling. I was shirtless and at the mercy of all these people. The boss, Veronica and every other men were there as well.
"I gave one task boy,just one....gave you a room to stay while your mates are sleeping on the cold floor",the boss said as he paced around me. "Hit him",he added and the two men came with long sticks.
"No no",I said as  I threw myself.
      Immediately I felt a whip on my belly. I groaned inwardly as they continued. Two different whips from different angles.
      I tried my best not to flinch...I wouldn't give into them.
"Stop",the boss yelled with a smile. "This boy is Indirectly telling us that this punishment is nothing",he added.
"If you wanna kill me just do it",I said.
"There will be no fun in killing you",he said. "Do you know this man",he added in question as he brought his phone close to my face and my eyes shot.
      I settled on the face he was showing me and it was one of those scientist that took me.
"Scared already",he asked.
"So you know",I asked.
"No...I don't know why my brother is so badly looking for you ,he won't tell but I can give you to him right now",he said.
"No please",I said quickly. Going back to those mad men was the last thing I wanted.
"Well I won't so long you do as I ask",he said and I looked away.
      I had no choice here...if not everything would be ruined.
"Fine",I said.
"And you won't run away again",he said.
"Yes",I replied.
"You can untie him...he has a busy night tomorrow",the boss said with a smile and Veronica went out with him.

      I sat close to a mirror in the room and looked at the red marks all over my body. How could they let me do this with my injured body. And why wasn't I healing fast. Just then Veronica came in.
"What are you here for",I asked with a frown.
"I'm here to clean your wounds",she said.
"No need for that",I shot.
"I was told to do so....and besides you can't strip with marks all over you",she said as she sat close to me.
"Whatever",I said and she sighed. She opened her kit and brought a little cloth,soaked it in antiseptic and applied it on my body.
"Ouch",I said as she did it. Naturally by now I'm meant to be completely alrighty.
"Sorry",she said as she became more gentle. "I've been meaning to ask",she started as she looked at me.
"What",I asked.
"Why are you so scared of big boss brother. What can he do that is worst than death itself",she asked.
"None of your business ",I said plainly and she frowned.
"Why the hell are you giving me an attitude....I'm meant to be the one mad at you",she said.
"What's there to be mad at,I just wanted to's not like you'd understand what it means to be away from home",I said.
"And who told you that",she asked.
"No one needs to tell me",I replied.
"You're such an ignorant fool....I was brought just the same way you were if not worse",she shot.
"So you mean....
"Yes I'm practically still another girl for the boss....I didn't come here on my own Accord but there was absolutely no way out",she said interrupting me.
"I had no idea",I said. "Didn't anyone look for you",I added in question.
"My parents sold me saying I was worthless ",she replied and my eyes shot. "Long story really....don't feel like talking about it",she added.
"I'm sorry ",I said.
"It's not your's just faith,accept it",she said as she stood up and left......

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