Chapter 5...

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Drax's P.O.V
       It didn't take much time before getting to the destination. 'Katie's diner',it read.
       We got out of the car and stood in front of the building.
"After you",Eason said and I entered. He came in after me and we sat down on a 'table for two'.
        So this is what he called a restaurant...back in crutox,we call it a zuva.
"Would you like spaghetti",he asked and I sighed. Dummy how would I know what I want.
"Yh sure",I replied with a formed smile.
"Hey breshey",he called out and a girl on a short skirt came over to where we sat.
"Anything I can do for you Eason",she asked.
"Yh um... spaghetti for me and my friend here",he replied.
"Sure I'll be right back",she said and left..
        I was starting to grow impatient and even more hungry. My tummy was rubbling and I couldn't subdue it. I placed my mouth on the napkin and chewed on it.
"Hey,what are you doing",he asked.
"Im starving",I replied and Eason burst into laughter.
"I have got to know where you're weird,don't worry the food will be ready soon",he said with a smile.
"Ok",I said and just then someone dropped the food on the table.
        I watched as she placed the two plates on the table and left..finally.i used my hands and ate hungrily and uncontrollably. I didn't think of who was watching. I ate so much that I ended up licking the plate and I still wanted more..
"Looks like someone likes spaghetti",Eason said drawing my attention. "Here...have mine",he added and was about to devour when...
Listen I get you're hungry and all but at least eat decent.. people can see you",he said and gave me a fork.
       I did as he instructed and I could feel him looking at me.
"Stop staring ",I said.
"Well there's nothing else to do",he replied. I finished soon enough and he paid for the meal.
"Thank you",I said and he smiled.
"'s true,I never got your name",he said.
"Drax",I said.
"Drax.....weird,just like you",he said. "Um..I would really like to know why you were running last night if you don't mind",he added.
"I was taken",I said simply.
"By the police",he asked.
" kidnappers",I replied.
"Oh my...I'm sorry ",he said. "Get me your parents number let me try to contact them",he suggested.
"What number",I asked.
"Phone I can call",he replied.
"They don't have one",I said and Eason shot me a confused look. "Because they're no more",I lied in addition.
"Oh...",he said softly. "What's going to happen here on out",he added in question.
"Can I live with you please",I said quickly.
"Please",I said.
"No...",he shot.
"Why are you being let me stay before",I said.
"That's because I ran you over.... besides I need privacy",he said.
"Oh come on",I said.
"Return to where you came from",he said.
"I would if I could but now I'm galaxies away from there",I said.
"I can't let a stranger live in my home",he said.
"But I'm not  a stranger ",I protested.
" are cause I don't know you",he said.
"Im drax",I said.
"Do'sent count",he shot.
"Ok fine if I live with you then I'll help u clean around the house everyday",I said and he paused.
"Why do you badly want to live with me",he asked as he brought his face closer to mine.
"Nothing ",I replied as I pushed his head back.
"I'm only agreeing because of your offer", he said.
"So you find it hard to maintain the place you live in",I said.
"Do you want me to change my mind",he asked.
"Absolutely not",I said and he smiled.
"Deal",he said and I nodded.
          Just then the TV got turned on. There was a man and a girl.
"So sandy.... your video about an alien existing has gone viral",the man said. "Is it true or did you make it up",ha added.
"I didn't sir... why would I?. "I was terrified myself. I saw the smoking spaceship with blood all around it. Joe and I had to talk silently to address to the public",she narrated.
"Can we go please",I said to Eason. He nodded and then we both left....

Sandy's P.O.V
"Sandy....interview is about to happen, remember what we rehearsed ok",joe said and I nodded. "Good luck",he added.
      I stood from my sit and went to sit with the person interviewing me.
"Good morning",I said with a smile.
"So Sandy...your video about an alien existing has gone viral",the man started. "Is it true or did you make it up",he added in question.
"I didn't sir.....infact why would I?",I said with my heart already beating. "I saw the smoking spaceship with blood a around it and Joe and I had to talk silently to disclose to the public",I added.
"Thank you very much for your active notice....we sent spies to investigate the spaceship and indeed,it isn't from earth",he said and my eyes drew back.
"So there really is an alien",I said but was barely a whisper.
"So sandy can you describe what you saw...I mean the alien",he asked.
"Well um the alien had brown eyes...I mean grey eyes and uh..with horns and sharp teeth too. He could run really fast and he looked very angry as well",I lied.
"Thanks very much for your info... please viewers at home,if you get anything suspicious... report to us",the man said and we went out of air.
      I left the scene and came to where joe was sitting. I was still shocked about everything that just took place.
"That wasn't part of the plan",joe said.
"I know",I said as I ran a fraustrated hand through my head.....

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