Chapter 6

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Nevis's P.O.V
      I came to the lab the next and saw the other two scientists discussing. Probably about what happened yesterday.
"Professor Montenegrin and Uzbek",I called out.
"Nevis",they chorused.
"What are you both doing this early",I asked.
"Did you watch the interview with Sandy Smith",Uzbek asked.
"Yes I did....the girl lied badly",I replied.
Right....and now the whole country knows that there's an alien on the loose", Montenegrin said.
"Yh bummer",I replied.
"But we have a plan",they said.
"Really what",I asked.
"We're going to make Sandy's version of 'the alien' real and'the alien' will be captured by us dead and returned to the FBI's ", Uzbek said.
"How's that possible....I mean...
"Haiti",they said.
"Where is she",I asked just realizing that she wasn't around.
"She's going to be the alien Nevis", Uzbek said.
"What",I yelled.
"I'm pretty sure you heard him", Montenegrin said.
"But why her",I asked.
"She's the reason why we lost the real alien in the first place", Uzbek said.
"It was an accident",I said.
"Well the deed is already done", Uzbek said and a pod opened.
        When it opened,I saw Haiti with green eyes...horns and sharp teeth. She looked very angry and also very different.
"How ",I said out loud.
"We mixed her DNA with that of an angry bull....and now we will submit her to the government,get rewarded and still get to keep the real alien for ourselves", Uzbek said with a loud crazy laugh.
"I can't let you do it.... undo everything it's getting too much",I shot.
"No we're not undoing anything ", they said.
"Then I'll do so myself",I said.
"Don't move another inch",Uzbek said as he pointed a gun at me.
"Nevis you've been acting weird since yesterday....we wanted to let it slide but can't anymore,you can be a real threat to our dream", Montenegrin said.
"You're too greedy and....",I started but couldn't continue as I  felt a bullet in my heart......

Lebanon's P.O.V
"Commander please don't panic,were trying our best to find him",I said.
"Don't panic..a night has gone by without my son,there's no sigh of the spaceship and we can't communicate with with his heart",she said.
"How did this happen", Kiribati asked.
"Everything was fine but later I couldn't hear him...all the navigation and trackers turned off. I feel is a result of a strong force",I explained.
"What do we do baby is out there without me", Brunei said as tears filled her eyes.
"We should report to the queen ",he replied and we went to her throne.
"Gooday our purple majesty", everyone chorused.
"What brings you all here",she asked.
"We are the travellers that was to deal with the black hole in space but...
"But in the process my son got sucked down to a place that we don't know. No trackers can detect where he is or the ship....", Brunei said interrupting me.
"For how long has this been",she asked.
"It's up to a day now",I replied.
"Gosh....they can use him to get to us",the queen said and Brunei's mood changed.
"So you're more interested in how it affects crutox and not about his where about",she shot.
"It's not like that",the queen said.
"I always thought you were selfish and today youve proven that you really are",Brunei said and walked out.

Makhantaki's P.OV
       I didn't mean to sound selfish. I just felt scared that all I dreamt of would come to pass. Once the boy falls on the hands of a smart bad fellow....they can get to us.
"My queen I heard what happened",omam said.
"It's true",I said softly as tears clouded my eyes.
"Keep calm my queen... please....

The Next Morning
Eason's P.O.V
       I woke up the next morning and had my bath. I was work free today so I had to spend the day wisely. I came downstairs already dressed in a big brown shirt and black shorts. I checked around and noticed that drax wasn't down yet. I sighed as I went up to his room to get him.
       Upon getting there I saw him naked with his back facing me... making me see his ass. I shook and faced the other side quickly.
"Gosh Drax if you know you're dressing up then at least lock the door"I said.
"Why would's my room. Besides you're not meant to be here",he shot.
"I was just wondering why you weren't down yet",I said.
"The clothes I wore yesterday are dirty so.....",he said.
"Why didn't you mention this earlier....I completely forgot to buy you clothes",I said.
"I only realized after bathing",he replied.
I'll go get something neat from my wardrobe for you to wear.....after that we will go shopping ",I said and he nodded.
        I left his room and went to mine taking out a pair of black jeans and yellow top. I also took out a black slippers. Upon getting back I noticed that he wrapped the lower part of his body with a white least.
" fast about it",I said and was about to leave when....
"Thanks ",he said and made me chuckle.
"Just hurry up",I reapplied and went downstairs.
         Few minutes later drax came down looking so handsome with his black long hair and black eyes,the clothes and.......why I'm I thinking about all these. As he came down I saw him looking at me intently until we got to where I sat.
"Sit",I said and he sat opposite me.
"So what's for breakfast ",he asked.
"Bread",I replied shortly and he frowned. "The only reason why the last one was looking weird is because it got stale",I added and he brows ceased.
"So if I hadn't rejected it you would have given me a staled bread to eat",he questioned.
"Serve it",he said not minding me and I buttered his already toasted bread.
"You're going to eat this with sauce and Incase you don't know how....
"I know how",drax said interrupting me.
"Sorry sorry just thought you wouldn't....",I said.
         We ate our food in silence....after that I washed the dishes and cleared the table. I went back to my room and came back down.
"Why did you change ",drax asked from where he sat.
"You forgot what I said in your room ",I shot. "We're going shopping ",I added and he nodded.
"Shall we",he said, rolling his eyes slightly and we both left......

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