Chapter 7

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At the mall
Drax's P.O.V
      We got to the mall and we met a receptionist there.
"Good morning",she greeted. "How can I help you",she asked.
"I want to get some clothes for my friend here",Eason said and I looked at him.
"This way please.... follow me",she said and we trailed behind her.
       We got to the boys category and selected different tops and jeans...mostly baggy clothes since ill hardly be going out. We got cooperate wears and shoes as well. Wristwatches and other things. When we were done we came back to pay.
"That will be $100.99",she said.
"Did you bring that much money",I asked.
"Not cash but that is why we have credit cards",he replied and I gave a confused expression. "It's a small card that can contain any amount of money",he explained.
        We paid for the stuffs and went back home. Upon getting back,I kept everything in my room.
"Aren't you going to arrange them",hr asked.
"Where",I questioned.
"In the wardrobe",he replied. "Here let me help",he added and started arranging the clothes for me.
"Thank you",I said.
"Welcome",he replied."if there is anything you need...I'll be in my room",he added and left.
"Drax come downstairs....dinner is ready",Eason screamed and I came running.
"What are we eating",I asked.
"Why don't you see yourself ",he replied and when I looked down I saw something usual.
"Its Quaker oats... healthy for you",he replied with a smile and dished out mine in a plate.
      Deep down I was getting used to Earth's food and all that but this was just the height of it all. The oats was white,plain and looked really discouraging to eat.
"Won't you at least take a bite",he said and I sighed. I put a fork in my mouth and instantly I chocked on it. "Here have water",he added and I drank it.
"Well um....I think healthy foods are not for me so I'll just have spaghetti please..",I said.
"Of course healthy foods are for you",he said and added more to my plate. "Besides it's not good to it spaghetti all the time",he added with a smile.
"But I don't like it",I protested.
"By now breshey must have closed up and there's nothing left apart from tomorrow's breakfast",he shot and I kept still.
       He took out his fork and started eating slowly as he looked at me at intervals.
"You should eat too",he said.
"Mmm",I said and took a bite.... immediately he looked away I spat it in the vase close to me.
"See I told you you'd like it",he said. "Finish up",he added and went to keep his already empty plate.
       Immediately he left I poured everything into the vase.
"Drax so fast",he said as he came back. "I can prepare more if you want",he added.
"No..I'm already stuffed",I replied and he smiled.
"I'll help you keep the dishes",he suggested.
"Take a hike",I shot and took the plates to the kitchen on my own.
       Immediately I got there I saw a full loaf of fine looking bread and butter staring aolt me in the face.
"No drax",I said out loud. I was hungry yes but what about....hunger indeed is a bastard.. I took out the bread silently and devoured it.....

Eason's P.O.V
"Of course healthy foods are for you",I said. "Besides it's not right to eat spaghetti everytime",I added.
"But I don't like it",he complained.
"By now breshey must have closed up and there's nothing to eat apart from tomorrow's breakfast ",I said.
       I didn't want to push on the matter so I kept quiet and focused on my food. As I did so I couldn't help but look at drax....of course he wasn't eating.
"You should eat's nice",I said.
"Mmm",he replied with a very weird expression as he took a bite. TBH he thought I wasn't looking but I actually saw when he spat the food into the vase. I chuckled softly so he wouldn't hear me.
"See I told you you'd like it",I said acting oblivious.
      I hurriedly ate my food and when I was done I took my empty dishes to the kitchen.
      I knew that drax wasn't obviously going to eat and I couldn't let him stay hungry. And just as I said.....he threw the whole thing away.
       I brought out a full loaf of bread and butter....I then placed them both in the counter. So at least he can eat something. I came back to the dinning and saw his empty plate.
"Done so fast...",I said with a smile. "I can prepare more if you want",I added.
"No....I'm actually stuffed",he replied.
"I'll help take the dishes to the kitchen",i suggested.
"Take a hike",he replied and took his dishes to the kitchen.
        I trailed behind him and stopped at the entrance. He put the plate down and I could see his eyes fixated on the bread and butter. Without wasting time he ate the whole thing. I tried my best to hold my laughter as I left the scene.
        He came back some minutes later when the doorbell rung.
"I'll go check who it is",I said and went to open the door. Upon opening it i saw Chris. "Oh it's you",I added as he walked in and I closed the door behind him.
"He's still here", Chris asked still shocked.
"He doesn't have where to stay ",I explained and he looked at me puzzled.
"You sure he didn't threaten you",he said.
"No he didn't...",I replied.
"Well till how long",he questioned.
"I'm not sure actually",I said.
"Ok no problem",he said.
"Seriously that's it",I asked.
"Yep...",he replied.
"You are not going to shout at me or something",I questioned.
"At least you weren't pressurized to keep him here.... besides he looks cool",he replied. "Ok now forget that..I actually came here to watch a movie",he added. "Aren't you coming",he asked looking at drax.
"Yh drax...come",I said and he did.
        The three of us sat in front of the big screen.
"Ok so we're watching a horror film", Chris announced.
"Drax can you take it",I asked and he nodded.
        As I turned on the TV.... breaking news came up.
"This is Sandy Smith reporting live from the government's territory where the alien has been captured and shot in cold blood",sandy said but Chris immediately changed the channel.
"I never believed in this shit since day 1,fake news......aleins",Chris said.
"So what movie Chris",I asked.
"Conjuring",he replied.
"You sure you can handle it",I asked drax.
"What do you take me for",he shot.

Sandy's P.O.V
"Don't you think it's a bit weird that your fake description about the alien became true",joe said.
"Well I don't long my career doesn't suffer because of it and the alien is dead",I replied.
"But seriously....reason it. It's weird ",joe said.
"Let's not think negatively ok...",I said trying to pacify myself against his arguments. He had a point but thinking about that would be a really big waste of time.
         But if by paraventure this alein is indeed fake,is the real alien still roaming around free......

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