what if elizabeth richardson shot her father?

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rape mention, guns, murder, domestic abuse mention


Elizabeth Diana Richardson, only child of Wendy Hamilton, the bastard daughter of Alexander Hamilton. Born of rape to Wendy and her abusive husband, Hugh Richardson. On her sixteenth birthday, she would be shot in the head by her father and die. But that's not how it played out in this universe.

In this universe, she was the killer.


It had happened quickly, both parties could barely blink. Father and daughter were arguing, nothing out of the ordinary, and how it had started was unclear. Though, it seemed to be that way the majority of the time they fought. 

Elizabeth was leaving tomorrow. The very next day, before the sun had even risen, she'd go to her aunt Diana's and live there. But of course she had to argue with him the very day before then. Just another reminder of exactly why she should leave.

The argument got more heated.

He had hit her, pushed her a few times during it.

She noticed his pistol on the coffee table behind her. She walked over to it, grabbed it and turned to Hugh saying, "I've wanted to do this for a very long time." Without an inch of hesitation, she shot her father in the head. He fell over onto the ground.

Hugh Richardson was dead.

And it felt good.

Elizabeth didn't regret it all. Just one question: what to do with the body? She found a carpet to roll him up in and placed him in his bedroom. 

She knew someone who could help.

She changed her dress, which had her father's blood on it, and went to the Haxton house, knocking on the door. Ruby opened the door. "Oh, hey, Elizabeth." The redhead smiled. "Uh, it's your birthday today, right? Happy birthday. I have a gift for you, I was planning on giving it to you tomorrow, but now that you're here-" She paused. "Am I rambling?"

The blonde shook her head. "You're fine, Ruby. Is TJ here? It's kinda important."

Ruby nodded. "I'll be right back." She opened the door a bit wider, gesturing for Elizabeth to come in, who slowly stepped inside, waiting nervously by the door. About a minute after she walked off, Ruby came back, big brother in tow. "Liz, hey!" He smiled that dumb white boy smile but Elizabeth kept her expression serious. "Can you come outside with me, please?"

"Uh, okay. Is something wro-" She pulled him outside, shutting the door. Best to keep it blunt. "I shot my father." She stated simply. "What?" TJ kept his mouth open, seeming to be trying to say something else, but he just ended up repeating "What?"

"I shot my father. And I need your help hiding the body."

"Elizabeth, why-" He stopped himself. TJ knew exactly why Elizabeth would shoot her father. She'd talked about it with him before, killing her father. She'd also apparently said things about killing Hugh to Diana's family before. 

None of them knew whether she was joking or not.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

He kept quiet a moment before nodding. "Yes, I will help you," He said. "Thank you. Genuinely." She then grabbed his hand and hurriedly walked back to her house. She led him upstairs, where her father was. "I was thinking maybe we could toss him in the woods. If his body is found, I was with you. Got it?" She said.

"Got it."

So, they tossed the rolled up carpet into the woods. They tossed the pistol up into a tree. The bloodied dress? They lit it on fire.

After all that was finished, TJ asked his cousin "So, where are you going now?" He asked. "Diana's. I just need to grab a few things. I'll grab the rest of me and my mother's stuff later. I'll say Hugh went out around the time I woke up and didn't come home." Elizabeth replied.

"Okay. Would you like me to walk you to Diana's?"

"I would appreciate that, yes."

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