what if jolene kyle wasn't found by selina?

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not proofread eepy deepy

t/w implied child sexual abuse, incest, rape, suicide mention


Jolene Isabella Kyle was abandoned in a park before she was even a week old, though was thankfully soon found by the Catwoman herself, Selina Kyle. She was raised as Selina's daughter and became the second Mouse, after her sibling went to live with Bruce Wayne. Well, at least in your universe, that's what happened.

In this universe, somebody else found her.


A baby was left all alone in a park with nothing but a blanket. Soon enough, she was found by the Joker himself and he took her in. Not out of pity, but because he could use her. Use her however he is pleased.

He took her home and Harley named her Jolene Jane Quinzel. And she became his little plaything. He used her however he pleased. He taught her how to shoot, how to kill. She killed people.


One particular night, Jolene just sobbed as her big brother, Frankie, held her. She'd shot a man, dead. She'd done it before, as had Frankie and Lorelei, her (adoptive) twin siblings.

"It's okay," Frankie whispered, gently rubbing her back. "It's okay."

"No, it's not," Jolene sobbed. She had always been particularly more sensitive than her siblings. Well, more sensitive in the crybaby way. Lorelei was sensitive in the angry way.

Frankie just rubbed the younger girl's back, in a futile attempt to comfort her.


"Lorelei's pregnant," Frankie said in a whisper and Jolene had to keep herself from gasping. She knew exactly who the father was. She'd been told that their father had raped Lorelei, she'd heard it happening, she'd seen it happening, on a couple of occasions.

"What's she gonna do?" Jolene asked in a whisper and Frankie glanced in Lorelei's direction. Lorelei, who was sitting on the mattress, staring blankly at the wall.

"We're not sure," Frankie eventually answered. "Just, whatever you do, don't tell dad, okay, Jojo?"

Jolene then nodded.


The same night their father found out was the same night the three left. Frantically, things were packed, and they left in the dead of night.

All three had one question.

What if he found them?

Their solution to that? A suicide pact, if need be.


Jolene remembers sitting in one room, her hands covering her ears, as Lorelei gave birth with Frankie's assistance. She didn't like listening to the screams and also, y'know, sensitive little autism ears. Eventually, Lorelei's screams were eventually replaced with that of a crying baby.

Slowly but surely, Jolene removed her hands from her ears and peeked into the area where her siblings were and where her sister was now holding a baby.

"It's a girl," Lorelei said before Jolene could ask. "Her name's Briar. Briar Jolene Frankie Quinzel."

Jolene and Frankie smiled at one another and then their sister.


Three days later, Frankie was gone. Jolene hadn't been able to sleep that night. She heard rustling, scribbling, and then footsteps.

"Where are you going?" She asked, to which Frankie froze.

"Go back to sleep, Jolene," Frankie instructed and Jolene sat up. "Where are you going?" She repeated and Frankie finally answered.


"Back where?" Jolene stood. "Back to Dad?"

Frankie hesitated a moment before nodding. "Please, don't try to stop me," He pleaded. "And you won't have to tell Lorelei, it's all in the note."

Jolene glanced at the note, and then ran up to Frankie, hugging him tightly. "I'll miss you," She said.

"I'll miss you, too," Frankie said, hugging her back, a hand atop Jolene's head. He then broke the hug. "Goodbye, Jojo."

"Bye, Frankie."

And as such, Jolene watched as her big brother left. She couldn't stop him. She didn't want to wake Lorelei and watch this turn into a whole thing.

But why was he going back?

That is the one thing Jolene couldn't rationalize.


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