what if georgie rogers was never kidnapped?

21 1 15

(t/w death/murder mentions, suicide mention, implied kidnappings)

(I attempted to proofread but me eepy)


Georgina Sarah Rogers was kidnapped while leaving her shift at the hospital she worked at after helping a man out to his car. She was taken to a HYDRA funded science facility, forcefully given super soldier serum, and spent several decades in and out of cryo freeze before being rescued by SHIELD.

Or, that's what happened in your world. In this world, she was left alone.



Georgie was meant to clock out an hour ago, but this man was dying. She had to help, she was a nurse, she had to do everything she could.


Georgie was honest to God in shock as she held the baby girl. The baby girl that was apparently her niece; her brother's daughter. She looked back up at Jacqueline. "You said her name is Hannah?" She asked.

Jacqueline nodded. "Hannah Grace Ford."

"Hannah Grace Ford," Georgie echoed. "She's beautiful." The blonde handed her back over to her mother. "Jackie, if you need anything, you just ask. Okay? I swear, I'll always be happy to help. I can't guarantee I will always be available, but I will always try to help."

Jacqueline smiled and then hugged Georgie (at least, best she could with a baby in her arms). "Thank you," She whispered.

Georgie hugged her back. "Anytime you need me."


Georgie sat across from Dolley. She wanted to be angry with her so badly, but she couldn't. She just couldn't find it in her to be angry. Dolley had repeated the phrase "If there's no body, they're alive" so many damn times.

"There was a potential sighting of Bucky in Germany." Dolley went on. "As for Steve-"



Georgie was trying her hardest not to giggle like a little girl as Mick spun her around. This was their wedding. This was her husband, the man she loved. 

"Mick, Mick, Mick, stop, stop, stop! I'm getting dizzy!" Georgie said through her giggling and just as swiftly as he'd been spinning her, Mick stopped and kissed her on the lips.

From today forward, Georgina Sarah Rogers was Georgina Sarah Ferry.



Georgie was beyond exhausted, but it was worth it. Lying on her chest was a baby boy; her son. Kurtis Steven Ferry.

"He's beautiful," She said, tears of joy flowing down her cheeks. She held her newborn son gently. "I love you so much. I'll keep you safe."



It was like a shot to the heart when Georgie heard it. Winston and Agnes Maxwell were found shot dead in their home and Ellie was missing, no trace of where she went.

Georgie could only fear for the girl.

Georgie could only watch as Dolley and Susie refused to ever accept Ellie's death.

Remember, if there's no body, they're alive.

Or they're a Jane/John Doe somewhere.



Today, Georgie had had her second child, a baby girl, Louise Sarah Ferry. Her darling. Georgie was asleep in her bed, while Mick sat in the chair across from her, holding Louise gently.

"I love you," He whispered to his daughter.



Dolley couldn't be alive. Though Susie would never admit as much, Georgie firmly believed Dolley had killed herself. Her journal, found by a cliff's edge? Suicide.

Honestly, Georgie wasn't surprised by the lack of a note. Dolley was the type to make impulsive decisions, even of that caliber.

So, she grieved and moved on.



"Mom! Aunt Jackie!" Kurt came running out onto the porch, where Georgie and Jackie were sitting and talking. "Hannah took Rufus and won't give him back!" Rufus was Kurt's beloved toy dog.

Georgie sighed and stood up. "I'll handle it," She said to Jackie before heading inside and approaching Hannah. "Hannah, sweetheart,-"



Georgie's son was dead. He'd been drafted into Vietnam only a month earlier and now he was dead, at twenty-four years old.

Kurt Ferry would never marry, never have children, never live.

For someone whose big brother was the famed Captain America, Georgie could only hate this country more.



"Catalina Jacqueline Porter." Georgie echoed as she held the baby girl. Her great niece; her brother's grandchild. "Dramatic."

Hannah chuckled from the hospital bed she was laying on. "Catty for short." She said.

Georgie smiled down at the baby girl. "Well, hello there, Catty. I'm your auntie Georgie."



Hannah was dead, Catty was missing. Fucking hell, she may be fifty-eight, but she decided it was never too late to pull a Dolley.

For the next twenty-nine years, Georgie Ferry would search tirelessly and endlessly for Catty Porter.



Georgie died at the age of eighty-seven years old, her daughter and grandchildren by her side as she passed peacefully in her home.

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