what if devon callahan took laura easton instead?

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t/w child sexual abuse, kidnapping, cults mention 


Laura Macy Easton, born Laura Macy Lampart, twin of Callie Veruca Callahan, born Callie Veruca Lampart. They weren't even a day old when their father, Devon Callahan, took Callie and used her as a prostitute for the majority of her childhood, for both himself and his friends, or whoever was willing to pay really. 

But in this world, he took Laura as his plaything.


Laura Callahan was barely five. This wasn't the first time she'd been touched, it wouldn't be the last. A man she didn't recognize was raping her right now. She kept her eyes fixated on the ceiling. It's what she'd trained herself to do at this point.

When the man was finished, Laura walked into the living room, just in time to see the man giving her father money and leaving. The little blonde was angry. That's all she ever was; angry. Not sad, scared, just angry. Devon walked over to her. Laura kicked him in the leg and he smacked her face. 

He then proceeded to rape Laura.


That's how Laura's childhood went. She was eleven now and she was wearing nothing but an oversized white t-shirt. She didn't even have underwear on. Devon was asleep next to her. She slowly and carefully began climbing out of the bed, so as to not wake him. She went to the front door of the apartment and unlocked it, just about to leave, when an idea came to her.

Laura wanted to hurt Devon.

Laura wanted Devon to be hurt just like she'd been hurt.

So, she crept into the kitchen, grabbed the largest knife she could find and stabbed him in the stomach. He woke up, screaming in pain, but Laura had already run out the room and out the door. She ran and ran until coming across what was called a hospital. She'd seen them on TV. She hoped they could help her.

She walked up to the counter and the woman at the desk looked down at her. "Hello, sweetheart," She said with a smile. "How can I help you?"

Laura blinked a few times. She wasn't sure how to answer. Where was she supposed to even start? She stayed quiet.

"Can you tell me your name?"


"What's your full name, sweet pea?"

"Uh, Laura Macy Callahan."

The woman typed something into her computer. "Okay, Laura, where's your mommy and daddy?"

"I don't know where my mom is, but my dad's back at the apartment. I stabbed him because he kept letting men have sex with me." Laura said this all very bluntly and the woman gave her a wide eyed look. "Laura, how old are you?"


"And what's your father's name?"

"Devon Callahan."

"Alright, Laura, we're going to take you into a room, okay?" The woman said, kindly, in a gentle voice the little blonde was not used to. "Some people are going to ask you questions, but they won't hurt you."


Laura was questioned, tested, given new clothes, all that. And she learned the name of her mother; Jessica Laura Lampart. She lived in Germany, in Munich. And several hours later, a taller woman with black hair came into her hospital room.

Laura should've felt happy to see her mother but...she didn't. She could only feel rage at this woman, for letting Devon take her. "Laura?" Jessie bent down in front of her daughter. Laura didn't know what to say, what to do, she'd never even thought about this moment before.

 Meeting her mother? Never gonna happen.

Jessie broke down crying. "Laura, sweetheart, I am so sorry," She said in between her sobs. Laura had no idea what to say. "Can I hug you?" Her mother asked.


Jessie seemed taken aback, before reaching out and holding her daughter's hand, nodding tearfully. For some reason, Laura let her hold it.

A few days later, Laura was moving to Munich. Apparently, her mother was now married to a guy named Brad and they had a daughter named Veronica, or Ronnie for short. She was unable to speak, so she communicated through sign language. 

"Laura, there's something I need to tell you ," Jessie took a deep breath. "You're a twin. Callie, I gave her up for adoption after your father took you."

"Why would you do that?!" Laura shouted. She was shocked and angry. She was always angry.


The second Laura saw Ronnie's smiling face, she despised her. Why did she get the life Laura didn't? How was that fair? As for Brad, this bitch did not trust men. Brad introduced himself to her and she stepped behind her mother, hiding behind her as if she were a scared toddler.

But Brad was nice enough to give her space.

Maybe she'd trust him eventually.



Laura was eighteen now. She'd learned to love her new family, she'd gotten a shitload of therapy for her anger issues and trauma.

And now she was sitting across from her twin sister. Callie Veruca Lampart had become Callie Veruca Easton, after being adopted by a Canadian woman named Anne Easton, who raised Callie in a cult where she was sexually abused and manipulated.

Laura almost found it funny.

Their mother had given Callie up to protect her and look at what happened.

When she was twelve, she escaped with her best friend, Lucie David, and, after wandering around for a year, got adopted by a family in America.

So, Laura's family was finally put together.

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