what if lucie david and laura easton never got separated?

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Laura Macy Easton and Lucie Maria David, best friends from the moment they could comprehend anything. Two twelve year old girls who escaped from the cult they grew up in, The Church of The True Stars. Three days after escaping, they would be separated and, for five years, have no idea of the other's fate.

But in this universe, they stayed together through thick and thin.


"Can we stop?" Laura asked, feet rustling against the grass. Lucie turned to look at her. "Yeah, we can stop," She said as the blonde yawned. "Thanks. I'm tired." Laura set down her bag, sitting against a tree. Lucie sat next to her, saying "Yeah, me too."

So, Laura laid her head on Lucie's shoulder and Lucie laid her head on top of Laura's.

Lucie was the first to wake up the following morning. She looked at Laura, whose head was now in her lap, and reached into her bag, pulling out May, her doll, as she waited for her friend to wake up. When Laura did wake up, they sat there for a few minutes, talking and then began walking again, hand in hand.

After several hours of walking, they came across a city. Lucie turned to Laura, who actually looked scared for once.

"So, where to?"

The blonde waited a minute before responding. "I don't know."

Lucie held Laura's hand a bit tighter, her brown eyes looking into her blue ones. "Well-"

"Nothing bad can happen if we're together." The girls said at the same time before giggling softly. They looked around and noticed a bus. "So-" Lucie looked at the bus, which people were getting on. Laura seemingly understood, pulling her along. The duo made their way to the back of the bus where they'd hopefully be left alone. And they were. Nobody talked to them, people let them be. Most likely because they didn't notice them. If someone had noticed these two literal children, one their complete lonesome, they most likely would have said something.

Laura could've probably just come up with a lie. She was good at those.

After an eight hour drive, the two found themselves somewhere. Hell if they knew where. They just walked out of the bus with everyone else, still holding each other's hands. It was dark out. It was late at night, though both were unsure of how late. Both squeezed the other's hand just a bit tighter.

They found a Starbucks. They had some experience with Starbucks and the girls knew they gave free water and had cheap treats. Laura had managed to swipe some cash from a lady on the bus without her noticing. Not much, just a few dollars. American currency. She actually hoped this was America, because if it wasn't, then they were screwed because they had no Canadian currency on them.

They got two waters and two cookies, one for each of the girls, and sat at one of the outside tables.

"Should we get help?" Lucie asked. Her voice was quiet, it always was, just more quiet than normal. Just barely above a whisper. "What?" Laura asked, also speaking at the same level as Lucie. "Get help from someone," The Afro-Latina's eyes glanced over at a tall, white man. His jacket read FBI. "We can only survive on our own for so long." Lucie was being a realist, but Laura didn't want to admit that.

She also looked over at the tall man before taking her friend's hand in her own and saying "I think we'll be just fine on our own, Lulu."

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