what if lorelei quinzel was never kidnapped?

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t/w incest mention, rape mention, sexual abuse mention, murder


Lorelei Louise Quinzel, the daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn, after growing up in foster care, was kidnapped by her father when she was seven. She would be sexually abused and end up having twins by her father when she was fifteen.

That's what happened in your world, at the very least. In this world, she was left alone.


"Lorelei!" James Holden, her foster (soon to be adoptive) father called. "It's time for dinner!"

This time, Lorelei came running. The Holdens, James and Millie, were a couple, unable to have children of their own. So, they were adopting Lorelei and they broke that news to her tonight as she ate her mac and cheese.

Within the next few weeks, it was official. Lorelei Louise Quinzel became Lorelei Louise Holden.


Lorelei, now ten, remembers walking down the street, her parents eating at a restaurant nearby. She was walking down to a shop, just to peruse. They then paused when they saw green hair.

They glanced over. They didn't see the Joker, but rather a boy who couldn't be much older than her. He was bandaging his wrist, which was bleeding.

She slowly approached him and it looked up at her. "Hi," He greeted Lorelei in a whisper.

"Hi." Lorelei sat in front of him. "Are you okay?"

The green haired boy shook his head. "My wrist got hurt while me and my dad were-" It paused. "Out, and then he ran. I managed to get away, though."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lorelei said, unsure of what else they were meant to say."

The boy continued wrapping the bandage around his wrist. "It's okay," It said. "He'll come back for me eventually. Uh, my name's Frankie."

The blonde smiled. "My name's Lorelei."

The two talked a bit more, the blonde keeping the green haired boy distracted. He then stood and began to leave.

"Wait!" Lorelei called and he paused, turning back to her.

"If we're able, do you want to be friends and meet up again?" They asked. He hesitated for a second before smiling and nodding. "I'd really like to," He said.

And the two went their separate ways. They'd meet up maybe once or twice a month for years to come since that day.

She learned he had two younger siblings, twins, Leo and Felicity. She learned that he also had a twin who they apparently couldn't find. And that he was the Joker's son.


Lorelei was fairly sure they were a lesbian, but, homophobic parents plus internalized homophobia was a bitch, so, here she was, having sex with a classmate in his room.

Ronan Tyler, nice guy, been her friend since she was in eighth grade. Once they were finished, he rolled over.

"I think I'm gay," He then said.

"Yeah, me too."

A little over a month or so later, Lorelei took a pregnancy test that came back positive.

Nine months later, she gave birth to twins she named Briar Pumpkin and Hermes Mushroom Holden.


"Oh my god, they're adorable!" Frankie cooed, waving his finger in front of a four month old Briar's face. Lorelei was holding Hermes. "And you said Ronan's helping you out?"

Lorelei nodded. "He's a really sweet guy. Great father. So far, anyway."

Frankie nodded, as if to say "Good. I'm glad," He said. Over the years, Lorelei and Frankie had become something like brother and sister. They often joked that she was his missing twin.

"Can I hold Hermes now?" It asked, the blonde nodded and they then swapped babies.


A year later, Lorelei was in a corner store. The twins were over at Ronan's while she just got some snacks. She was just about to pay when a bomb went off, sending them flying. She ran into a mercifully still intact wall.

There was blood in her eyes, her vision was blurry, she felt like her head was gonna explode. Her breathing was labored.

Lorelei could vaguely see two green haired men approaching them. Lorelei could vaguely see one's eyes go wide while the other shot her in the head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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