what if joselyn todd was never abandoned?

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Joselyn Penelope Todd, twin sister of Jason Todd, was left behind. Her brother left her behind without a second thought. She was found and raised by Roxie Grayson from then on out and became a villain called Birdcage. At least, in your universe, she did.

In this universe, she went with her brother.


When Joselyn entered the apartment, the last thing she expected to see was Batman scruffing her brother like a cat.

"You two are coming with me," The vigilante said. "Like hell we are!" Joselyn immediately shouted, looking towards her brother.

Jason didn't say much. He almost looked like a pouting toddler.


Joselyn sat in the Batcave as she watched Jason do training bullshit with Bruce who was apparently Batman. So, the big bad billionaire who lived above the city thought he was the one to save it?

It felt very laughable.

Alfred came over with a tray, handing her a few snacks. She gladly accepted it, as she continued to watch her brother.

"Kick his ass, Jay!" Is something she would occasionally cheer.


After nearly a month of this whole training bullshit, Joselyn went to Bruce and said "I want to be a part of it. I wanna help."

Bruce looked up at her. "You're sure?" He asked. She obviously couldn't be Robin, but another alias could always be used. Joselyn nodded.

"Like, what if Robin had a partner or something? Or you had two partners? Cause, like, what if one of us was taken out of commission? Then the other wouldn't have to fight on their complete lonesome!"

She made a good point, Bruce had to admit. So, he beckoned her down to the Batcave.


Joselyn called herself Birdie. And this line of work was dangerous, the Todd twins knew that, but that's what made it so fun!

After a fight with this Bigtop Babe lady, Joselyn and Jason sat atop a building, eating some free ice cream, while Bruce spoke with commissioner Gordon.

"Another easy job for Robin and Birdie!" Jason boasted, high fiving his sister as they laughed.


Joselyn almost refused to believe it. She'd just learned the name of her real mother. Some bitch named Sheila Haywood.

She gripped the balcony. She was contemplating jumping off, in all honesty. Why did everything have to fall apart all the time.

Things had been fine! But things had to go and get fucked up again for whatever goddamn reason.

When Jason went to meet her, Joselyn stayed behind. Bruce, Alfred, Dick, all of them tried to convince her to go but she refused. She stayed behind. She even refused to continue her work as Birdie.


Jason and Sheila were dead. In a warehouse. Rigged to explode. They'd both died. Yet Joselyn was still alive.

She attended the funeral.

She stayed in her room for several days. She barely ate, she barely moved, she barely spoke.

And then one night, she left. She snuck out her window and then, just like that, Joselyn Todd was gone. Nobody knows where she went, nobody knows where she is, nobody knows anything.

Even when Jason came back, Joselyn remained gone.

Maybe she took up a different name, made an entirely new life. Maybe she killed herself in such a secluded location. Maybe she was murdered and well disposed of. Maybe she was a Jane Doe.

But if she'd died, she would've spoken to Missy, right?

Who the fuck knows?

Maybe she enjoys seeing them suffer.

Who the fuck knows?

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