Strike a deal (2)

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The next day you are seated in class catching up on your revision for your upcoming AP chemistry non-weighted assessment. Despite it not being on your report card, you want some extra credit to ensure your GPA. You had already been in class since 630am, where the school was as empty as it was eerie. However, as the day inched toward 8am, majority of your class had already strolled in, and with the wave was your new student.

He noticed your eyebrows furrowed at a difficult question and realised how long you had probably been in school for already. She really is studious huh...He took his usual seat next to you. He grabs one of your airpods from your ears and puts it in his ear, listening to the song you were playing. "Wha- Hey, what do you think you're doing?" you asked, agitated with his playful actions. "You've bad taste in music, baby." he mocks the last word, his mouth still chewing on his half eaten bread. You let out a groan, "Just don't disturb me, I've got enough stuff to deal with."

The dark-haired boy beside you kicked his legs onto the table. "Don't kid yourself, there's no way a nerd like you could have anything else to do besides study and book club," he scoffed as he scrolled through his phone. You stopped your writing and turned to face him, rolling your eyes at the sight of a failing student making snide comments about your life. It wasn't far from the truth. "Well, unlike you, I have extra-curricular commitments as well, like being the fucking Student Council president, as well as teaching idiots who can't pay attention in class such as...let's see...Oh that's right, you!" you replied through gritted teeth as you scribbled away on my workbook, "but you're right about book club, I go every Sunday..."

"See? So typical of no-lifers like you to listen to nasty, overrated artists like Taylor Swift..." he continued his never-ending stream of insults. "What?! You're crossing the line. You're so lucky you said that to someone who's too busy to care about you, the Swifties would've ended you so fast..."

"You talk like I give a shit,"

"Oh, wow I'm so scared.  Scary mouse is gonna beat me up." you deadpan, still writing away. "Just fucking study......You know what your problem is?" he sits up and glares at you.

"No, I don't nor do I care, but you know what your problem is? You telling me to fucking study then interrupting me so now I can't fucking study, jackass..." You whip your head in his direction and glare at Scaramouche, who was also glaring at you. You let out a tired sigh, sliding a piece of post-it onto your partner's table. "I was up yesterday tryna collate a few questions I thought would be good to cover for today. These questions are a mix of those you can answer with your prior knowledge along with questions that require the application of the skills I'll be teaching you later today. Meet me at the open study area near the council room after school. I won't be long... Oh and the ones that are highlighted are the questions well within your capabilities so you can try them while waiting for class to start. I ought to slap you for every careless mistake you make."

"You can't slap a student, that's against the law now." he picks up the post-it and reads it while taking his calculus workbook out to flip to the correct page. "You talk like I give a shit," you mock.

"Oh wow, you are simply hilarious, y/n..." You give a sarcastic smile in response.

Scaramouche starts to work on the questions you highlighted while you study next to him. However, from his peripheral vision, he notices you glancing over at him every now and then. A light blush forms on his cheek before he snaps. "Stop looking at me." "I'm not looking at you, I'm looking at you being a dumbass despite my warning. You didn't flip the sign for the inequality that's why you answer looks like it stretches beyond the thousands. Gosh, check your work," you nag as you circle his mistake and draw an angry face.

"Oh. Got it. Slap me and I'll give Takashi your whereabouts," he smirks, tilting his head to look out for your reaction. "Give Takashi my whereabouts and you can forget about graduating this year..." you smile at him sarcastically before rolling your eyes.

Soon after, the teacher walked into the class, signalling for everyone to return to their seats and get ready for the class. Scaramouche takes out the airpod he stole and hands it to you. 

What song was the first one? He writes on his workbook and slides it over to you. You squint at his god-awful handwriting before smirking in satisfaction. "You liked it didn't you?" you whisper to him, pissing him off. "I'm just curious, I take no interest in those kinds of songs..." he uttered, avoiding eye contact. "You really do like it!" you smiled as you gave him a light punch on his arm.

"Shut the fuck up."

Fun facts:

- the song was fairy of shampoo (cover by dosii)

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙇 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇 - scaramouche x readerWhere stories live. Discover now