forget me not (3)

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After your council meeting the next day, you bid goodbye to your fellow council members, while you assured them you would take care of the files that needed to be sent to the staff room. With all your might, you picked up the stack of files that were resting on the table and walked out of the council room, using your forehead to turn off the light.

At that moment, the council room door slid open forcefully, revealing your, now breathless, student council vice president. "Y/n! Why didn't you tell me we needed to send the files over? I nearly went home. If it weren't for the other members to tell me you were still here I'd be on my god damn way..." the white haired male huffed as he grabbed half the files out of your hands, letting you see in front of you now. His hair was tousled from all the running and his tie was loose as well.

"You should've, Kaedehara...I can manage something as simple as this...You didn't have to come back, I sent you guys off for a reason," you laugh as you walk with him along the corridor.

"I get that but...can't let the Pres handle everything by herself, right? You're busy as it is." Kazuha says as he sets the stack of files down on the teacher's table in the staff room. Kazuha had been a good friend of yours since your first year, where you both decided to run for student council together. After being begged by the former office as well to do so, you both successfully claimed the title of President and Vice-President.

You both walk out of the staff room and walk towards where you were supposed to meet with a certain purple haired boy. It time peeked into 6pm, Tuesday were longer every week as the curriculum is extended for the graduating cohort to fit more lesson time in. With the setting sun came a sky of fire, the orange of every wintery hearth. The subtle tangerine light cast long shadows behind you two as you walked. "Have you been getting enough rest? I remember a few days ago you were complaining non-stop about your tonnes of things to do..." he teases you as you roll your eyes while smiling.

"You seriously gotta bring that up? Thanks for asking though, the to do list keeps getting longer but I cope...Especially when I've got such a reliable Vice President to help me," you look at Kazuha to find him smiling at the ground. "You flatter me, Pres. Just don't push yourself alright? After stealing my spot as Chairman, don't you dare fall behind," he teases you as you both stop along the hallway to talk.

"Haha, very funny. You should know me by now, I'll never fall behind. You just need to catch up," you rebut. He chuckles lightly. "It's been a long day. If you aren't too busy do you wanna get something to eat?" he asks, running his digits through his hair nervously. You feel your face heat up a little at his invitation but remember your prior commitments.

"Oh, I would but-"

"She's busy. She's hanging out with me today."

Fun fact:

- Kazuha has used you as  benchmark for his studies since first year of school

Hi!! I've decided that I'll update at least one chapter a week but my schedule will be getting busier and busier so I will let you know if I am unable to finish writing in time :>

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙇 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇 - scaramouche x readerWhere stories live. Discover now