rainy day (17)

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"Ah- It's raining..." Scaramouche said as you two stared at the slow and light droplets of water floating down from the grey skies. You heave a sigh as we turn back towards the shoe locker area.

"Is a study session really necessary? The exams just ended."

"There's no better time than right after you get back your results to start looking over your mistakes. It's only mid-year. You've got another few months to go, Scara..."


"Should we just get yo my house before it gets any heavier? I'm scared that the rain will just get worse if we stay in school..."

"Fine with me. Though I might eat everything in your house. I'm starving..."

"Should we just walk back?" 

"Are you insane? What if it gets heavy?"

"It won't, c'mon. This is like a passing rain. Don't be scared of some light drizzle," you explain, determined that you were right. 

The two of you slip on your shoes and prepare to walk through the drizzle. "Walking in the rain is fun, no?" you ask, putting one arm out to feel the cool droplets against your skin. The rain felt like a whisper from the air. The sky despite being painted by a dome of ominous clouds, still brought serenity as any rain would.

"It's sticky and humid...What are you even saying?" he whined as per usual, though you were thoroughly enjoying this. "But it's cooling and it's dewy, not sticky. It's much better than sweating!"

He rolled his eyes at your childish response.

However, seeing as you were relishing the light downpour, the sky above decided it was time to start sobbing a river, its tears engulfing everyone below in its streams of water. The pretty mist that once danced in the cool air had soon turned to fat teardrops that pelted down onto your head.

You could feel the moisture of each droplet cling to your clothes, soaking your crispy uniform and reducing it to something comparable to a wet rag.

"Damn it." Scaramouche's hand immediately latched onto your wrist to pull you into a small covered alleyway between two shops, trying his best to quickly flee from the stage on which the rained relentlessly poured upon. Just like your hair, his dark locks were also dripping, causing his bangs to cover his eyes as he wrung the ends of his untucked and equally wet uniform.

As he did so his uniform lifted up a little, revealing the skin of his abdomen just a bit, allowing you to catch a glimpse.

Fuck. This was a very very risky situation. His hair, his shirt, his abs, his hands.

You dared not take your eyes of the boy before you in case you missed out on a single frame that you would've paid money to capture in your memory. Not to mention the tight space between you two. God was it dizzying.

"Don't look at me like that, you were the one who said it'd be a passing rain and that walking in the rain would be fun, look at us now, genius..." he scoffed lowly, his hand pushing back his damp bangs so they didn't try to stab against his eyes. Your face flushed a deep red after being called out for staring. "It's not that..." you looked at the floor, glancing at your sopping wet shoes.

"Then, what? I look good when I'm soaking wet? What a warped thought..." he smirked, scoffing as his eyes were trained on you.

"Wha- Shut the fuck up, Scara..." your face was painted crimson at his words, exposing how what he said was exactly true. Scaramouche's hand dug into his bag and fished out his jacket and he handed it to you.

"Ah- It's fine I'm not cold..."

"I-It's not that..." his eyes were everywhere else, ears tinted scarlet.


"Look. I appreciate the view, but I really don't think you wanna be attracting attention like that," he tried explaining subtly, "your uniform is white...Dumbass."

You closed your eyes in disbelief to mentally chide yourself. There was no bloody way you could be embarrassing yourself this much right in front of the guy who's looking like a devil from the heavens. "T-Thank you..." you gave in as you put on the jacket and zipped it up.

"Let's go...We have to get back somehow..." he decided, holding his hand out.

Your gaze traced around his open palm, your heartbeat speeding up as you felt your brain spin in circles. "Knowing you, you'll probably slip and fall face first onto the asphalt. C'mon..." he said lowly, his eyes locked on you.

"Mm...Thanks..." you manage. Though something in the depth of your stomach was churning. It's just butterflies, I swear.

"Hey...Are you feeling alright?" Scaramouche questioned, his voice laced with a little worry, causing him to instinctively press the back of his hand to your forehead. You felt your heart pounding steadily in your chest, and you were pretty sure it was from both the boy and the sickness. 

"It's fine...Let's just go..." you tried to reassure him, your fingers still interlocked with his.

"We should've just called a ride." 

"In this economy? Plus we've walked so far already my place is literally just a few minutes walk away. Also we're soaked so we'd get the car dirty and umphmmmhm-" you tried to argue but Scaramouche put his hand over you mouth to shut you up. 

"Geez, even now you can find the energy to pick a fight with me. Let's hurry up and go then," he hooked the hoodie of his jacket over your head and grabbed your hand, pulling you along in the direction you were headed. Your eyelids were heavy as your breathing felt difficult, like your lungs were struggling to push against your ribcage. The two of you trudged steadily through the thick downpour. 

"If you're gonna throw up don't do it on me..." 

Fun fact: 

- Scaramouche hates walking in the rain

MY BAD GUYS I THOUGH YESTERDAY WAS SATURDAY. UMMMM. I've been going out non-stop since my exams ended so I rushed this and didn't have much time to check. Sorry if it turned out really bad 😭😭Nonetheless, I hope it was decent enough and you guys still enjoy it. Muacks! 

p.s. i'm literally tripping balls. FIRST i forgot to put the title in THEN i didn't put the correct chapter number wtfff TT

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙇 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇 - scaramouche x readerWhere stories live. Discover now